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  1. 聽到他人對你說give me a hand,千萬不要以為別人要你斷手斷腳,雖然照字面解釋是「給我一隻手」,但延伸的意思是「伸出援手幫助他人」,也可說lend me a hand,同義的還有do me a favor。. 另外,give someone a big hand並不是要你幫某人一個大忙,而是給他熱烈 ...

    • put foot on the pedal 做事迅速。pedal 指的是汽車或腳踏車踏板,put foot on the pedal 照字面意義解讀成把腳放到踏板上,
    • make a pit stop 中途停車、短暫休息。pit stop可以指短暫停車加油、進廠檢修,也可以指長途旅程中的短暫休息,所以下次長途旅程中短暫在休息站停留、上廁所,
    • in the fast lane 充滿刺激的生活。fast lane是快車道的意思,因此 in the fast lane 可以指充滿刺激、活動的生活,
    • a backseat driver 指手畫腳的人。backseat:後座;坐在後座的人不負責駕駛,但是有的人卻喜歡在後座對駕駛的人指手畫腳,這時候就會形容他是一個 backseat driver。
  2. to say something by accident that embarrasses or upsets someone. 無意中說出讓人尷尬(或生氣)的話. I really put my foot in my mouth – I asked her if Jane was her mother, but she said Jane is her sister. 我真的讓自己無地自容:我問她簡是不是她母親,但是她說簡是她姐姐。 (put your foot in it在劍橋英語-中文(繁體)詞典的翻譯 © Cambridge University Press) B1. put your foot in it 的翻譯. 中文(簡體) 无意中说出让人尴尬(或生气)的话… 查看更多內容.

  3. 1 天前 · To put your foot in it 的意思是“说走嘴了”,结果使得局面变得尴尬或不愉快。 也可以用来表示不小心把秘密说了出来。 例句. I really put my foot in it when I asked where his girlfriend was. I’d forgotten she’d left him. You put your...

  4. PUT YOUR FOOT DOWN翻譯利用…的權力制止, 踩油門,加速行駛。了解更多。

  5. To indicate that one is unyielding or inflexible in one's position on or decision about something. Your father has already put his foot down on the issue, so you need to stop asking him to change his mind. You're the manager, Sarah. You need to put your foot down on this now, or your staff will walk all over you.

  6. 2018年11月5日 · 不小心說錯話,可以用 put one's foot in one's mouth 表達,這句俚語也有以下的變體:put one's foot in it 以及 stick one's foot in one's mouth,注意這些俚語中使用單數 foot 即可。名詞片語 slip of the tongue 也是「失言」,slip 指「失足、滑倒」,讓舌頭不小心