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  1. full. adj. 裝滿的; 擠滿人的; 滿座的; 滿房的; 塞滿的; 刻錄滿的; 錄滿的 full sail 滿帆 a full tank of petrol 滿滿一箱汽油. adv. 直接地 to hit sb. full in the face/chest 正中臉部/胸部 full in the centre 在正中央. n. 全部 in full 完全地 paid in full 付訖. 牛津中文字典.

  2. 6. (聲音)圓潤的;(光)強烈的;(色彩等)深的;(酒)醇厚的;(味)濃郁的. adv. 副詞. 1. 直接地;正好,恰好 The blow struck him full in the face. 這一拳正好擊中他的面部。. 2. 非常地;充分地;完全地 The bananas are full ripe.

  3. Full or filled ? - 當代英語文法 - 書面和口頭英語文法和用法的參考資料 - 劍橋線上詞典 Full is an adjective, and means ‘containing a lot’: The theatre is completely full this evening.The room was full of books.Fill is a verb, and means ‘make or become full’. The -ed form is filled: ...

  4. fulled中文意思:a. 完全的, 完整的;滿的, 充滿的;豐富的;完美的;豐滿…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋fulled的中文翻譯,fulled的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。

  5. fulled是什么意思?fulled怎么读?新东方在线字典为用户提供单词fulled的释义、fulled的音标和发音、fulled的用法、例句、词组、词汇搭配、近反义词等内容,帮助大家掌握单词fulled

  6. full. 🔈. adj. 充滿的、完整的、最大的、吃飽的、寬鬆的、圓潤的、濃烈的 adv. 直接地、完全地 n. 最大量、極盛時. The tank is full. 油箱是滿的。. Please write your full name. 請寫下您的全名。. Full employment is the axis of their campaign.

  7. fulled vbl. full動詞的過去式、過去分詞 fuller n. 漂洗工, 縮絨工 fullery n. 漂布工場 fullest adj. full形容詞的最高級 fulling n. 漂洗法, 縮密法, 縮絨 fullmouthed adj. 聲音響亮的, (狗)大聲吠叫的 fullness n. 充滿, 完全, 充實, 豐富, 豐滿 fullstop n. 句點