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  1. 番石榴 ( 學名 : Psidium guajava )是一种常绿 灌木 或小 乔木 ,为 热带 、 亚热带 植物,原产于 加勒比地区 、 中美洲 和 南美洲 ;經改良或突變選種後品種極多,為重要經濟果樹。. 番石榴易经昆虫授粉;种植时,主要由常见的 西方蜜蜂 传粉 。. 臺灣 ...

  2. GUAVA翻譯:芭樂(樹)。了解更多。 The main agriculture product today is the guava fruit, with some corn and beans still grown, but this employs only nine percent of the population.

  3. Google Guava官方教程(中文版). 原文链接 译文链接 译者: 沈义扬, 罗立树,何一昕,** 武祖 校对**:方腾飞. 引言. Guava工程包含了若干被Google的 Java项目广泛依赖 的核心库,例如:集合 [collections] 、缓存 [caching] 、原生类型支持 [primitives support] 、并发库 ...

  4. › wiki › GuavaGuava - Wikipedia

    Guava (/ ˈ ɡ w ɑː v ə / GWAH-və) is a common tropical fruit cultivated in many tropical and subtropical regions. The common guava Psidium guajava (lemon guava, apple guava) is a small tree in the myrtle family (), native to Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean

  5. Flora Sinensis中的「臭果」即芭樂. 番石榴 ( 學名 : Psidium guajava )是一種常綠 灌木 或小 喬木 ,為 熱帶 、 亞熱帶 植物,原產於 加勒比地區 、 中美洲 和 南美洲 ;經改良或突變選種後品種極多,為重要經濟果樹。. 芭樂易經昆蟲授粉;種植時,主要由常見的 ...

  6. Guava是一个强大的Java工具库,提供了丰富的功能,用于简化日常编码任务、提高性能、构建线程安全的应用以及处理文本操作。本文将深入研究Guava的不同方面,包括集合框架、函数式编程、并发工具、缓存和字符串工具,以帮助Java开发者更好地利用这个

  7. Guava is a set of core Java libraries from Google that includes new collection types (such as multimap and multiset), immutable collections, a graph library, and utilities for concurrency, I/O, hashing, primitives, strings, and more! It is widely used on most Java projects within Google, and widely used by many other companies as well.

  8. Guava. Taiwan is the world's premier grower of guava and can produce all year round. The nutritional content of the guava is superb, and guava are an excellent source of Vitamin C. Originally Taiwan had a large variety of natural guava, and with the import of foreign guava varieties since 1915, there has been much research and experience in the ...

  9. Google Guava 中文教程. 介紹. 1. Google Guava官方教程(中文版). 2.1-基本工具.使用和避免null.前置条件.常见Object方法.排序: Guava强大的”流畅风格比较器”.

  10. guava.devGuava

    Guava is a set of core Java libraries from Google that includes new collection types (such as multimap and multiset), immutable collections, a graph library, and utilities for concurrency, I/O, hashing, primitives, strings, and more!

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