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    KK [res]

    n. 名詞

    • 1. 賽跑;比賽,競賽[C][(+against/between/with)] He ran a race with me. 他同我賽跑。
    • 2. 賽馬大會[the P]

    vi. 不及物動詞

    • 1. 比速度;參加競賽;參加賽馬 Some twenty bikes will race for the prize. 約有二十輛腳踏車參加賽車爭奪獎品。
    • 2. 疾走;全速行進 She raced to the phone. 她飛快地跑向電話。

    vt. 及物動詞

    • 1. 和……競賽
    • 2. 使急走,使全速行進;使(發動機)猛轉[O] The taxi-driver raced me to the airport. 計程車司機駕車將我飛速送到機場。

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  2. noun. uk / reɪs / us / reɪs / race noun (COMPETITION) Add to word list. A2 [ C ] a competition in which all the competitors try to be the fastest and to finish first. 賽跑,速度競賽. Do you know who won / lost the race? 你知道比賽誰贏/輸了嗎? Let's have a swimming race. 讓我們比一比看誰遊得快。 They're taking part in a race to the top of Mont Blanc. 他們將參加攀登白朗峰的比賽。 C1 [ C ]

  3. an attempt to be the first to do or to get something. 竞争;争夺;抢先. Kieran and Andrew are in a race for promotion. 基兰和安德鲁为得到升职的机会而展开竞争。 [ + to infinitive ] Three newspapers are involved in a race to publish the story. 三家报纸都争相发表这篇报道。 Another candidate has now entered the presidential race (= the attempt to be elected as president). 另一个候选人现在也加入了竞选总统的行列。

  4. 種族 (Race),是在體質形態或遺傳特徵上具有某些共同特色的人群,劃分時可以根據外在特徵(如 膚色 、 髮色 、面部 骨骼 結構等)、 基因 、以及自我認同為標準。 人種 這一概念以及種族的具體劃分都是具有相當爭議性的課題,其在不同的時代和不同的文化中都有差異,種族的概念也牽涉到諸如社會 認同感 以及 民族主義 等其他範疇。 人種不屬於 生物分類學 ,在智人以下沒有所謂人種的生物分類。 [1] [2] 20世紀以前,科學家普遍認為,人類分為若干個 本質主義 方式劃分的(即以不可缺的特徵來劃分的)人種,如 尼格羅人種 (南撒哈拉非洲人)、 高加索人種 (西歐亞人)、 蒙古人種 (東歐亞人)、 澳大利亞人種 (澳大利亞和美拉尼西亞原住民)等。

  5. race 在英語中的意思. noun. uk / reɪs / us / reɪs / race noun (COMPETITION) Add to word list. A2 [ C ] a competition in which all the competitors try to be the fastest and to finish first: win/lose a race Do you know who won / lost the race? have a race Let's have a swimming race. race to They're taking part in a race to the top of Mont Blanc. C1 [ C ]

  6. 名詞. 種族, 人種. "race" 例句. Children of many races attend the school. 許多種族的小孩都有就學。 "race" 相關課程教材. I'll race you to the top! 我跟你比賽誰先到頂樓! 瀏覽教材. In a horse race, the horses race to the finish and run through a wire as they cross the finish line. 在賽馬中,馬兒們競賽通過終點,通過終點線。 瀏覽教材. We also say the race was a "landslide". 我們也會形容這個選情是「landslide (一面倒)」。 瀏覽教材.

  7. 1. To run swiftly; to contend in a race; as, the animals raced over the ground; the ships raced from port to port . [ 1913 Webster ] 2. ( Steam Mach .)

  8. a competition in which people run, ride, drive, etc against each other in order to see who is the fastest: a horse race. 更多範例. There were some rather hairy moments during the race. She finished the race in third position. I wasn't expecting to win the race but I didn't think I'd come last! He's been training hard for the race for several weeks now.

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