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  1. Description Via Hugu Sutej: "The small tribe Qalang Smangus of Atayal people lives in mountain area of northern Taiwan, who has gained great achievement in striving for a sustainable community livelihood and well-being for all beings around us through tribal ...

  2. "GMT is an open source collection of ~60 tools for manipulating geographic and Cartesian data sets (including filtering, trend fitting, gridding, projecting, etc.) and producing Encapsulated PostScript File (EPS) illustrations ranging from simple x-y plots via contour

  3. L.M. Sacasas: "Ivan Illich’s argument for a commons of silence. I’ve cited that same essay by Illich before, but allow me to do so again here. “Just as the commons of space are vulnerable and can be destroyed by the motorization of traffic,” Illich argued, “so the commons of speech are vulnerable, and can easily be destroyed by the ...

  4. At the core of the CSJ ideology is an approach to analyzing and responding to reality that is called “Critical Theory”, which has been broken down into several sub-theories or “studies” such as queer theory, fat studies, critical race theory, intersectionality, and other critical theories.

  5. Soleri's vision sought him to develop Arcosanti as a prototype Arcology - a hyper-dense, urban megastructures that he believed was central to confronting the twin demons that menace humanity: suburban sprawl and overconsumption. What I began to realize in my time at Arcosanti was that Arcology has never been well defined.

  6. 2009年4月22日 · New Communalism is a term created to distinguish a group of folk during the 60s-70s that believed in forming a community of like-minded grounded in self sufficiency. Here we describe New Communalism and the Whole Earth Catalog.

  7. 1. purpose, ensuring purpose, 2. ownership and the nature of ownership that‘s contributive to the delivery of that purpose and. 3. governance and the way in which the management of companies is aligned to the delivery of that purpose. Those are the three key elements that are emerging."