Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. Cities: Skylines - Mass Transit brings several new systems into play to help citizens traverse their towns in speed and style. Commuters can now get around on water, up high mountain peaks, and even through the sky thanks to the addition of ferries, monorails, cable cars, and blimps.

  2. Cities: Skylines II. 透過有史以來最逼真的城市建造遊戲,從頭開始建設一座城市,並將其轉變為繁榮的大都市。. 以前所未有的龐大規模進行建造,您的創意和問題解決能力都將面臨全新層次的考驗。. 利用深度模擬與生動運轉的經濟系統,您將能毫不設限地打造 ...

  3. 透過「Hotels & Retreats」用最高檔的飯店讓您的城市更加亮眼! 以小型連鎖飯店為起點,逐步經營起成功的飯店事業,進而解鎖更加奢華且專注於特定客群的飯店.

  4. 有多種航廈、飛機種類與建築,可以設定出符合您城市的機場。 完全連結 就像機場讓您與世界接軌般,本次的擴展內容已跟旅遊業、工業與大眾運輸業等現有的系統接軌。

  5. › curator › 43333877-Ma-QianyueSteam Curator: Ma Qianyue

    2022年12月13日 · “《都市:天際線》(英語:Cities: Skylines,香港譯作 “都市:天際線”,臺灣譯作 “大都會:天際”,中國大陸官方譯為 “都市:天際線” )是一款由 Colossal Order 開發,Paradox Interactive 發行的城市建造遊戲。

  6. Cities: Skylines - Sunset Harbor introduces the fishing industry, new mass transit options, and important city services. Increase your city's entertainment with the Aviation Club and fly with passenger helicopters and private planes.

  7. 城市建造者们,如果你喜欢倾听微风拂过树梢发出的沙沙声,那这个无线电台无疑是为你量身定做! 调频到“阿尔卑斯音乐”,即可沉浸享受 16 首曲目,乐曲总时长将近一小时,绝对是你下次踏上登顶之旅时的最佳配乐。

  8. 2019年11月7日 · Modern City Center, the newest content creator pack for Cities: Skylines from modder Jason “AmiPolizeiFunk” Ditmars, adds 39 unique models featuring new modern commercial wall-to-wall buildings as often found in City Centers.

  9. Cities: Skylines - Natural Disasters features a catalog of catastrophes to challenge mayor-players everywhere, including planning with early warning systems and emergency routes, devastating and destructive disaster effects, and caring for the populace as they struggle to rebuild.

  10. Cities: Skylines is a modern take on the classic city simulation. The game introduces new game play elements to realize the thrill and hardships of creating and maintaining a real city whilst expanding on some well-established tropes of the city building experience. Get the full experience with the Cities: Skylines Collection that features 14 ...

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