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  1. VOIP 網路電話代表號:930-50000. 轉接或直撥 930+分機號. 國立清華大學-1909年以美國退還庚子賠款成立游美學務處選派學生留美。. 1911年設校稱清華學堂。. 幾經戰亂,1955年復校於新竹。. 清華大學復校初期重點為原子科學,其後則擴展至理工方面,近十幾年來更 ...

  2. NTHU Racing Team Unveils Lightweight Carbon Fiber Rim for Formula Student Competitions

  3. 清華簡介. 中文 .. ENGLISH. 本校成立於民國前一年校址為北平西郊的清華園最初名稱為清華學堂」。. 民國三年冬天,梁啟超先生來校演講,引述易經中「天行健君子以自強不息,地勢坤君子以厚德載物」勉勵同學以君子自期,自此以後「自強不息 ...

  4. [COE Seminar] 2024/09/10: "VR-Assisted Digital Twin-Enabled Robot Collaborative System" - Prof. Ching-I HUANG, Department of Power Mechanical Engineering, NTHU

  5. NTHU Inaugurates Sustainability Hub for River Conservation Using Environmental Science and AI

  6. NTHU consistently ranks as one of the premier universities in East Asia. NTHU ranked 168 in 2021 which is second in Taiwan. In terms of pure research, NTHU ranks first in Taiwan. In addition to academic excellence, NTHU is also the Top 1 university in Taiwan

  7. The mission of the School is to prepare talented students for leadership positions in international organizations, government, business and civil society institutions, and to encourage well-informed public discourse on sustainable development and responsible stewardship of regional and global common good.

  8. Since its relocation, NTHU has developed into a comprehensive research university offering a full range of degree programs in science, technology, engineering, humanities, social sciences, and management. NTHU consistently ranks as one of the premier

  9. 地址:300044 新竹市光復路二段101號 (校本部) 旺宏館一樓車道旁 (教育館隔壁):全球事務處、全球招生組. 行政大樓1F (出納組對面):全球學術合作組 (R110室)、境外生服務組 (R112室) 電話Tel: +886 (03)571-5131 ext.62456 或 洽各承辦人分機 傳真Fax: +886 (03)516-2467 Email: oga@my ...

  10. › p › 412/1524/17831International Students

    Office of Global Affairs, National Tsing Hua University. No. 101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu, Taiwan 300044. Office of Global Affairs & Division of International Talent Cultivation: 旺宏館 wàng hóng guǎn 1F, next to underground parking.

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