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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典

    vt 及物動詞

    • 1. 修改 to touch up sb.'s hair/essay/photograph 修剪某人的頭髮/潤色某人的文章/修飾某人的照片
    • 2. 對…動手動腳
  2. to improve something by making small changes or additions: She touched up her lipstick and brushed her hair. We thought the photo had probably been touched up, because he looked so much younger in it. 「SMART 詞彙」:相關單字和片語. Making things better. add salt to something idiom. allay. alleviate. alleviation. ameliorate. cultivate. leavening. levelling up.

  3. to improve something by making small changes or additions. (稍加)修飾,潤色. She touched up her lipstick and brushed her hair. 她補了補唇膏,梳了梳頭髮。 We thought the photo had probably been touched up, because he looked so much younger in it. 我們覺得照片很可能修飾過,因為他在照片中看起來要年輕得多。 touch someone up. phrasal verb with touch verb uk / tʌtʃ / us / tʌtʃ /

  4. touch up中文的意思、翻譯及用法:潤色;修改。英漢詞典提供【touch up】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等

  5. 在英文解释里: fix. 同义词: renew, modify, rework, remodel, repair, 更多…… 标题中含有单词 'touch up' 的论坛讨论: Pick up a monkey. Try to pick up another, but you can only touch the first one. Then try to pick another, and so on. Whoever can pick up the most wins. A question about photo [ touch up / photoshop ] - English Only forum.

  6. (习语, 及物) 微调 , 微整. Use a small brush to touch up the paint anywhere it is uneven. 用小刷子来小修一下油漆上不均匀的地方。 (习语, 及物) 抚摸 ,(尤指)用手 猥亵. The creep was trying to touch up my girlfriend. 那个变态想猥亵我的女朋友。 近义词 [ 编辑] (抚摸或猥亵): caress 、 feel up 、 pet. 参见 [ 编辑] touch-up. feel up. 分类 : . 有音频链接的英语词. 英语词元. 英语动词短语. 带助词 (up)的英语动词短语. 英语及物动词. 有使用例的英语词.

  7. 及物動詞. 1. 修改 to touch up sb.'s hair/essay/photograph 修剪某人的頭髮/潤色某人的文章/修飾某人的照片 I'm going to touch up those scratches with a bit of paint 我打算用點油漆來修補這些擦痕. 2.

  8. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供touch up的中文意思,touch up的用法讲解,touch up的读音,touch up的同义词,touch up的反义词,touch up的例句等英语服务。.

  9. touch-up是什么意思_touch-up的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_爱词霸在线词典. 释义. 润色;修饰;装点. 实用场景例句. 全部. My lipstick needed a touch-up. 我的口红需要补一下。 牛津词典. CHIPPED PAINT: Remove chips and rust before you touch up with paint. 落漆: 上漆前应除净漆屑和铁锈. 期刊摘选. I must touch up the chipped paint on my car. 我必须修补一下我汽车上的油漆脱落处. 期刊摘选.

  10. touch up. 动词短语. If you touch something up, you improve its appearance by covering up small marks with paint or another substance. ...editing tools to help people touch up photos. The painting has yellowed but the gallery has resisted pressure to touch it up. See full dictionary entry for touch. Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s Dictionary.

  11. to improve something by making small changes or additions. (稍加)修飾,潤色. She touched up her lipstick and brushed her hair. 她補了補唇膏,梳了梳頭髮。. We thought the photo had probably been touched up, because he looked so much younger in it. 我們覺得照片很可能修飾過,因為他在照片中看起來要 ...