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    KK [trəˋdɪʃən!]

    a. 形容詞

    • 1. 傳統的;慣例的;因襲的 traditional Chinese medicine 中藥
    • 2. 口傳的,傳說的

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  2. following or belonging to the customs or ways of behaving that have continued in a group of people or society for a long time without changing. 傳統的. The villagers retain a strong attachment to their traditional values / customs / beliefs. 村民依然固守著傳統的價值觀/習俗/信仰。.

  3. a belief, principle, or way of acting that people in a particular society or group have continued to follow for a long time, or all of these beliefs, etc. in a particular society or group. 傳統. Fireworks have long been an American tradition on the Fourth of July. 七月四日國慶日放煙火是美國人長期以來的傳統。.

  4. 傳統的;慣例的;因襲的;口傳的,傳說的. 比較級:more traditional 最高級:most traditional. 釋義. 相關詞. adj. 形容詞. 1. 傳統的;慣例的;因襲的 traditional Chinese medicine 中藥 Women are questioning their traditional role in society, as...

  5. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供traditional的中文意思,traditional的用法讲解,traditional的读音,traditional的同义词,traditional的反义词,traditional的例句等英语服务。

  6. traditional adj 1: consisting of or derived from tradition; "traditional history"; "traditional morality" [ant: {nontraditional}, {untraditional}] 2: pertaining to time-honored orthodox doctrines; "the simple security of traditional assumptions has vanished"

  7. following or belonging to the customs or ways of behaving that have continued in a group of people or society for a long time without changing. 传统的. The villagers retain a strong attachment to their traditional values / customs / beliefs. 村民们依然固守着传统的价值观/习俗/信仰。.

  8. 發音 [ 編輯] 國際音標 ( 幫助) : /tɹəˈdɪʃənəl/, /tɹəˈdɪʃnəl/. 傳統 的. 分類 : . 英語4音節詞. 英語3音節詞. 有國際音標的英語詞. 英語. 拉丁文字.

  9. traditional. /trəˈdɪʃənl/. 形容詞. 傳統的. "traditional" 例句. Risotto is a traditional rice dish from northern Italy. 燉飯是義大利北部的一道傳統米飯料理。. A traditional English breakfast consists of eggs, bacon, sausage, beans, and toast. 傳統的英式早餐包含蛋、培根、香腸、豆子和吐司。.

  10. 發音 [ 编辑] 國際音標 ( 幫助) : /tɹəˈdɪʃənəl/, /tɹəˈdɪʃnəl/. 傳統 的. 分类 : . 英語4音節詞. 英語3音節詞. 有國際音標的英語詞. 英語. 拉丁文字.

  11. 『欧路词典』为您提供traditional的用法讲解,告诉您准确全面的traditional的中文意思,traditional的读音,traditional的同义词,traditional的反义词,traditional的例句。

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