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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    KK [əd͵mɪnəˋstreʃən]

    n. 名詞

    • 1. 管理,經營;監督[U] The administration of a big business requires skill in dealing with people. 管理一個大企業需要與人相處的技巧。
    • 2. 行政,施政[U]

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  2. noun. uk / ədˌmɪn.ɪˈstreɪ.ʃ ə n / us / ədˌmɪn.əˈstreɪ.ʃ ə n / administration noun (MANAGING) Add to word list. C1 [ U ] ( informal admin, uk / ˈæd.mɪn / us ) the arrangements and tasks needed to control the operation of a plan or organization. 管理;經營;行政. Teachers complain that more of their time is taken up with administration than with teaching.

  3. n. 名詞. 1. 管理,經營;監督 [U] The administration of a big business requires skill in dealing with people. 管理一個大企業需要與人相處的技巧。 2. 行政,施政 [U] 3. 管理部門;行政機構,政府 [C] 4. (大寫)美國政府 [the S] The last Administration...

  4. noun. uk / ədˌmɪn.ɪˈstreɪ.ʃ ə n / us / ədˌmɪn.əˈstreɪ.ʃ ə n / administration noun (MANAGING) Add to word list. C1 [ U ] ( informal admin, uk / ˈæd.mɪn / us ) the arrangements and tasks needed to control the operation of a plan or organization. 管理;经营;行政. Teachers complain that more of their time is taken up with administration than with teaching.

  5. ADMINISTRATIVE中文 (繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典. administrative 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯. adjective. uk / ədˈmɪn.ɪ.strə.tɪv / us / ædˈmɪn.ɪˌstreɪ.t̬ɪv / administrative adjective (OFFICE WORK) Add to word list. C1. relating to the arrangements and work that is needed to control the operation of a plan or organization. 管理的;行政的. administrative work 行政工作.

  6. n. 管理;行政;實施;行政機構. 英語釋義. a method of tending to (especially business) matters. the persons (or committees or departments etc.) who make up a body for the purpose of administering something; "he claims that the present administration is corrupt" "the governance of an association is responsible to its members"

  7. administrate 在英語中的意思. verb [ T ] uk / ədˈmɪnɪstreɪt / us. Add to word list. → administer. (administrate在劍橋商務英語詞典中的解釋 © Cambridge University Press) administrate的 例句. Since fj-blockade was administrated throughout the pregnancy, we do not think it is this drug which influenced the course of her arrhythmia. 來自 Cambridge English Corpus.

  8. (administration在 劍橋高級學習詞典和同義詞詞典 和 劍橋學術詞典 的英語發音, both sources © Cambridge University Press) administration的解釋是什麼? 瀏覽. adman. administer. administrate. administration order. administrative assistant. administrative leave. administration的發音。 怎麼說administration。 聽英語音頻發音。 了解更多。

  9. 新北市以「安居樂業」為施政目標,「簡政便民」、「行動治理」及「智能城市」為施政方向,各機關據以訂定施政重點及施政計畫。 本網站為新北市政府版權所有,未經允許,不得以任何形式複製和採用 最佳瀏覽環境為解析度1920x1080以上並以 Edge & Google Chrome 瀏覽器瀏覽

  10. 新北市板橋區 - 我們誠摯地邀請你加入「IDP國際留遊學教育集團」,這個國際化的大家庭! 如果你想找一個國際化的工作...。薪資:時薪183~190元。職務類別:行政助理、業務助理、工讀生。找工作請上104人力銀行。

  11. 新北市板橋區 - Responsible for processing daily Loan transactions...。薪資:待遇面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上)。職務類別:銀行辦事員。找工作請上104人力銀行。

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