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    KK [ænˋtægə͵nɪzəm]

    n. 名詞

    • 1. 對抗;敵對,對立;敵意[U][C][(+for/to/towards)] He felt a strong antagonism towards his immediate superior. 他對他的頂頭上司懷著強烈的敵意。
    • 2. 對抗力量;對立原則

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  2. ANTAGONISM翻譯:對抗,對立;敵對;敵意。了解更多。 The fuzzy boundaries and mutual antagonism that exist between inquiry and advocacy beget the first important problem with weak consensus - its causticity to inquiry.

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      antagonism翻譯:对抗,对立;敌对;敌意。了解更多。 ...

    • 繁體

      STATE翻譯:情況, 狀態;情形;狀況, 國家, 國家;政府, ( ...

    • Antagonist

      ANTAGONIST翻譯:對抗者,對立者;對手;敵人, 拮抗肌, 拮抗 ...

    • Antagonistic

      ANTAGONISTIC翻譯:對抗的,對立的;敵對的;敵意的。了解更 ...

  3. ANTAGONISM翻译:对抗,对立;敌对;敌意。了解更多。 示例中的观点不代表剑桥词典编辑、剑桥大学出版社和其许可证颁发者的 ...

  4. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供antagonism的中文意思,antagonism的用法讲解,antagonism的读音,antagonism的同义词,antagonism的反义词,antagonism的例句等英语服务。

  5. 對抗敵對對立敵意 [U] [C] [(+for/to/towards)];對抗力量對立原則. 名詞複數:antagonisms. 釋義. 相關詞. n. 名詞. 1. 對抗;敵對對立敵意 [U] [C] [(+for/to/towards)] He felt a strong antagonism towards his...

  6. antagonism in British English. (ænˈtæɡəˌnɪzəm ) 名词. 1. openly expressed and usually mutual opposition. 2. the inhibiting or nullifying action of one substance or organism on another. 3. physiology. the normal opposition between certain muscles.