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  1. 寫英文感謝信的時候,最常用的字之一就是thank,而大家最熟悉的用法應該就是 Thank + 人 + for + 事情 。 不管是學生還是上班族,大家一定都有寫過感謝信吧! 其實另一個字也很常見哦~沒錯,就是appreciate (感謝、感激),而它其實也很好用哦! 不過要注意的是,和thank相比,appreciate 更有認同的涵意,認同對方的價值和努力等等。 如果想知道更多,歡迎看我們的另一篇詳細討論thank和appreciate差別的文章: 「謝謝、感謝」英文怎麼說? thank VS appreciate VS grateful ! 今天一起來看看appreciate的用法,這樣以後就不會再搞不清楚啦! Appreciate 看見價值 ️感謝.

  2. 想寫表示感謝的英文,但怕寫錯,正確13種寫法一次教給你!. 如果要在商業書信上寫信「感謝」同事或合作對象,不能直接說:. I appreciate you. ( ) 表示「感謝(某人的配合、某件事情)」的時候,appreciate 後面要加上一件事情 (名詞或動名詞) ,所以要改成 ...

  3. 2017年1月17日 · Appreciate” can be used as a way to ask someone to do something. I would appreciate (it) if you would/could _____. I would appreciate it if you would be quiet. I would appreciate _____. I would appreciate your help. I would appreciate silence. (This is kind

  4. appreciate verb (VALUE) Add to word list. B2. to recognize how good someone or something is and to value him, her, or it. 欣賞;賞識;重視. There's no point buying him expensive wines - he doesn't appreciate them. 給他買名貴的酒沒有用——他不懂品酒。 C2 [ T ] to understand a situation and realize that it is important. 理解,領會;意識到. We appreciate the need for immediate action.

  5. 2019年4月23日 · 英文. 日常英文, 英文學習. 英文的「感謝」除了thank you還有很多種說法,包括常見單字: thank, thankful , grateful , appreciate ,但其實這些單字有很多種用法,許多人都會混淆。 AmazingTalker為你整理了超過十種「感謝」的英文用法,還有英文感謝郵件的實用教學,讓你第一次寫感謝信就上手! 1. Appreciate (v.) appreciate是很多人會在商用書信當中使用的單字,但其實使用上有很多需要注意的,首先要注意appreciate是動詞,並不是形容詞,所以 “I’m really appreciated…”

  6. appreciate」正確用法是? 來看例句搞懂! Thankful要搭配介係詞 for 或 to 來使用。 Thankful通常表達我們對對方的善意或幫忙的意識與回應。 Thankful通常用在受到對方幫忙之後,我們隨即回答thankful以表達感謝,所以這個舉動通常也只是持續短暫的一段時間。 也就是說,通常thankful是一種禮貌的表示,用在對某個人或某件事的反應上。 I was thankful to learn that he had all arrived safely. 我很感激他已經安全抵達了。 She was thankful for the darkness which allowed her to slip away unnoticed.

  7. 2019年9月5日 · appreciate最常見的中文意思就是感激。 appreciate後面可以加that,或是加名詞。 appreciate 用法一:appreciate + 名詞. 例:I appreciate your honesty. 我感謝你的誠實。 appreciate 用法二:appreciate + that. 例:I really appreciate that you helped me yesterday. 我真的很感謝你昨天幫了我。 2.appreciate 欣賞. appreciate另外還有欣賞的中文意思。 例:I appreciate your generosity in the matter. 我欣賞你在這件事上表現出來的胸懷大度。 3.appreciate 增值.

  8. appreciate 在英語中的意思. verb. uk / əˈpriː.ʃi.eɪt / us / əˈpriː.ʃi.eɪt / appreciate verb (VALUE) Add to word list. B2. to recognize how good someone or something is and to value them or it: There's no point buying him expensive wines - he doesn't appreciate them. greatly appreciated Any help you could give me would be greatly appreciated.

  9. appreciate verb (VALUE) Add to word list. B2. to recognize how good someone or something is and to value him, her, or it. 欣赏;赏识;重视. There's no point buying him expensive wines - he doesn't appreciate them. 给他买名贵的酒没有用——他不懂品酒。 C2 [ T ] to understand a situation and realize that it is important. 理解,领会;意识到. We appreciate the need for immediate action.

  10. verb. uk / əˈpriːʃieɪt / us. appreciate verb (VALUE) B2. to understand how good something or someone is and be able to enjoy them: There's no point buying him expensive wines - he doesn't appreciate them. 更多範例. I bought Caroline the more expensive chocolates because I knew she would appreciate them.

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    i appreciate it