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    KK [ˋɑrkə͵tɛkt]

    n.[C] 可數名詞

    • 1. 建築師;設計師 Tom is the architect of this building. 湯姆是該建築的設計師。
    • 2. 【喻】締造者,創造者 He was one of the architects of the republic. 他是這個共和國的締造者之一。

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  2. B1. a person whose job is to design new buildings and make certain that they are built correctly. 建築師. a person responsible for achieving a particular plan or aim. 設計師;創造者;締造者. Bevan was the architect of the British National Health Service. 比萬是英國國民保健制度的創立者。 减少例句. After years of study, Tim is now a fully-fledged architect.

  3. 2019年5月21日 · 什麼是架構師(Architect)以及要如何養成? 從工程師向架構師發展,除了多方學習「軟硬兼施」具備專業技術外,也必須在合適的環境與良師益友在實戰中提昇自己,否則學習再多恐怕也是枉然。 #工程師文化 #數位轉型. 洪士灝. 之前被問到這個問題的時候很頭痛,因為一講就要講很久,而且對方如果底子不夠的話,恐怕會像鴨子聽雷。 再說我不當工程師很久了,雖然見過各式各樣的架構師,但是總不好意思一直拿十多年前的職場經驗來吹噓,畢竟資訊科技產業進步很快,有些事情已然不同。 欣見 這篇文章 談「從程序員到架構師」,也可以提供給上述提問者參考,省下我講解的時間。

  4. 軒昂有限公司. 台北市內湖區. 經歷不拘. 大學. 【Role and Responsibilities】 The Solution Architect role is dedicated to delivering viable solutions and innovative system designs tailored to meet business requirements. In this capacity, the candidate will engage in surveying and developing Proof of Concepts (POCs) for emerging technology stacks. Key Responsibilities: 1.

  5. 建築師創業備忘錄. 社會住宅與循環經濟. 文/曾光宗. 在臺灣以「只租不賣」為主的社會住宅,乃是從2011年頒布「住宅法」之後才有了正式的法定位階,這時不論中央或地方政府對應著社會大眾極為迫切的居住需求,開始大量地興辦社會住宅。 雖然從時間上來看,臺灣的社會住宅發展相較於其他國家而言實為較短,至今僅約有十多年而已,但是在推動社會住宅政策及興辦社會住宅的歷程中,初期除了參考其他國家的經驗與做法外,在過程中我們同時也在逐漸探索並累積「社會住宅的台灣模式」;本月號的焦點即放置在社會住宅及其關聯的循環經濟議題上。

  6. › wiki › ArchitectArchitect - Wikipedia

    An architect is a person who plans, designs, and oversees the construction of buildings. [1] To practice architecture means to provide services in connection with the design of buildings and the space within the site surrounding the buildings that have human occupancy or use as their principal purpose. [2] Etymologically, the term architect ...

  7. ARCHITECT在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯. architect 在英語中的意思. noun [ C ] uk/ˈɑː.kɪ.tekt/us/ˈɑːr.kə.tekt/ Add to word listAdd to word list. B1. a person whose job is to design new buildings and make certain that they are built correctly. a person responsible for achieving a particular plan or aim: Bevan was the architect of the British National Health Service.

  8. 陳啓進. 陳啓進建築師事務所. 台南市新市區南科二路12號F307室. 06-5056258. 06-5056258. 0915884811.

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