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    KK [əˋtræktɪv]

    a. 形容詞

    • 1. 有吸引力的;引人注目的;嫵媚動人的 The offer is very attractive to us. 這一出價對我們具有很大吸引力。
    • 2. 吸引的 attractive forces between molecules 分子間的引力

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  2. adjective. uk / əˈtræk.tɪv / us / əˈtræk.tɪv / Add to word list Add to word list. A2. very pleasing in appearance or sound. 漂亮的;悅耳的;有魅力的;誘人的. a very attractive young woman 嫵媚動人的年輕女子. I find him very attractive (= he attracts me sexually). 我覺得他外表迷人。 attractive countryside 景色迷人的鄉村. an attractive colour scheme 悅目的色彩佈局. B2. causing interest or pleasure

  3. attractive 在英语-中文(繁体)词典中的翻译. adjective. uk / əˈtræk.tɪv / us / əˈtræk.tɪv / Add to word list. A2. very pleasing in appearance or sound. 漂亮的;悅耳的;有魅力的;誘人的. a very attractive young woman 嫵媚動人的年輕女子. I find him very attractive (= he attracts me sexually). 我覺得他外表迷人。 attractive countryside 景色迷人的鄉村. an attractive colour scheme 悅目的色彩佈局. B2.

  4. attractive. /əˈtræktɪv/ 形容詞. 漂亮的, 有魅力的. "attractive" 例句. This neighborhood is very attractive for students because it's close to the university. 這個社區非常吸引學生,因為它離該大學很近。 We have found three attractive locations for the new factory. 我們為新工廠找到了三個吸引人的地點。 It was an attractive proposition, but I decided to turn it down.

  5. 释义. 常用. 高考讲解. adj. 有魅力的; 好看的; 吸引人的; 悦耳的. 点击 人工翻译 ,了解更多 人工释义. 词态变化. 比较级: more attractive; 最高级: most attractive; 副词: attractively; 名词: attractiveness; 实用场景例句. 全部. 有魅力的. 引人注目的. 迷人的. 招人喜爱的. an attractive woman. 妩媚的女人. 牛津词典. I like John but I don't find him attractive physically. 我喜欢约翰,不过我认为他长得并不英俊。 牛津词典. a big house with an attractive garden.

  6. pleasing to the eye or mind especially through beauty or charm; "a remarkably attractive young man" "an attractive personality" " attractive clothes" "a book with attractive illustrations" 片語. Attractive baby 芭比娃娃套裝小游戲. attractive effect 誘集效果. attractive fashion 式樣美觀. Attractive Curtains 令人印象深刻的窗簾. attractive quality 魅力質量. attractive energy 引力能.

  7. attractive意思、 解釋及翻譯:1. beautiful or pleasant to look at: 2. interesting or useful: 。了解更多。

  8. attractive [ əˈtræktɪv ] adj. 1 [+ man, woman] 有魅力的 yǒu mèilì de. [+ thing, place] 吸引人的 xīyǐn rén de. 2 (= interesting) [+ price, idea, offer] 令人感兴 (興)趣的 lìng rén gǎn xìngqù de. he was very attractive to women. 他对 (對)女人很有吸引力 tā duì nǚrén hěn yǒu xīyǐnlì. 在这些条目还发现'attractive': 在英文解释里:

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