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    KK [bʌldʒ]

    n.[C] 可數名詞

    • 1. 腫脹,凸塊 The gun he carried caused a bulge in his jacket. 他攜帶的槍使他的衣服鼓起來一塊。
    • 2. 船腹

    vi. 不及物動詞

    • 1. 膨脹,凸起[(+with)]
    • 2. 裝滿[(+with)] His pocket was bulging with apples. 他的口袋裡鼓鼓地裝滿了蘋果。

    vt. 及物動詞

    • 1. 使膨脹,使凸起 He bulged his cheeks roundly. 他把兩頰鼓得圓圓的。

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  2. BULGE翻譯:凸起,鼓起, 凸起;鼓起, 暫時的激增;突然上漲。了解更多。

  3. BULGE翻译:凸起;鼓起, 凸起;鼓起, 暂时的激增;突然上涨。了解更多。

  4. BULGE的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. to stick out in a round shape: 2. a curved shape sticking out from the surface of something…。了解更多。

  5. 可數名詞. 1. 腫脹,凸塊 The gun he carried caused a bulge in his jacket. 他攜帶的槍使他的衣服鼓起來一塊。. 2. 船腹. 3. (突然或暫時的)增長,增多;上漲 The graph shows a bulge in the price of meat. 圖表顯示肉類價格上漲。.

  6. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供bulge的中文意思,bulge的用法讲解,bulge的读音,bulge的同义词,bulge的反义词,bulge的例句等英语服务。.

  7. Bulge n. 1. The bilge or protuberant part of a cask. 2. A swelling, protuberant part; a bending outward, esp. when caused by pressure; as, a bulge in a wall. 3. Naut. The bilge of a vessel. See Bilge, 2. Bulge ways. Naut. See Bilge ways.

  8. 'BULGE' 的 简体中文 Translation of | 官方柯林斯 English-Traditional Dictionary 网上词典。10 万条 英语 单词和短语的 简体中文 翻译。

  9. 同义词: lump, swelling, bump, projection bulge 的更多同义词. 5. 可数名词 [usually singular] If there is a bulge in something, there is a sudden large increase in it. ...a bulge in aircraft sales. [ + in] ...the huge bulge of payments due over the next two years. [ Also + of] 同义词: increase, rise, boost, surge bulge 的更 ...

  10. The meaning of BULGE is to jut out : swell. How to use bulge in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Bulge.

  11. noun. a rounded projection, bend, or protruding part; protuberance; hump: a bulge in a wall. any sudden increase, as of numbers, sales, or prices: the bulge in profits. a rising in small waves on the surface of a body of water, caused by the action of a fish or fishes in pursuit of food underwater.

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