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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    • 1. 收買(某人) Unless he drops the charge we'll have to buy him off. 他若不撤銷指控, 我們就得收買他。

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  2. phrasal verb with buy verb uk / baɪ / us / baɪ / bought | bought. Add to word list. Add to word list. to pay someone so that they do not cause you any trouble. 買通,賄賂. They tried to buy the guard at the bank off but he told the police and the gang was arrested. 那夥人試圖買通銀行的保安,但保安報了警,於是他們 ...

  3. buy off - Yahoo奇摩字典 搜尋結果. 依語言. 英漢. 英英. Dr.eye 譯典通片語. buy off. ph. 收買 (某人) 釋義. 相關詞. ph. 片語. 1. 收買 (某人) Unless he drops the charge we'll have to buy him off. 他若不撤銷指控, 我們就得收買他。 更多解釋. buy...

  4. v. 收買;出錢以擺脫. 英語釋義. pay someone with influence in order to receive a favor. 片語. buy off the murderer 買兇. buy clothes off the peg 買現成衣服. buy cut off machine 南非買家. buy over 收買;賄賂. buy sb off 收買某人. buy off the police 用錢收買警察. buy y off 收買. buy someone off 向……行賄送禮. buy off justice 擺脫法律制裁. 英漢例句.

  5. buy someone off 在英語中的意思. phrasal verb with buy verb uk / baɪ / us / baɪ / bought | bought. Add to word list. to pay someone so that they do not cause you any trouble: They tried to buy the guard at the bank off but he told the police and the gang was arrested. 「SMART 詞彙」:相關單字和片語. Fraud & corruption. anti-bribery. anti-corruption.

  6. 简明. 柯林斯. 牛津. buy off. 英 [bai ɔf] 美 [baɪ ɔf] 释义. 贿赂,收买(某人); 买通. 点击 人工翻译 ,了解更多 人工释义. 实用场景例句. 全部. The thief tried to buy off the policeman, but he didn't succeed. 这贼企图贿赂警察, 但他未达到目的. 辞典例句. If you are trying to buy off, I'm afraid you've come to the wrong person. 想收买我吗?恐怕你找错人了. 辞典例句. And second of all, he believes he can buy off parliament.

  7. BUY SOMEONE OFF | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary. Meaning of buy someone off in English. buy someone off. phrasal verb with buy verb uk / baɪ / us / baɪ / bought | bought. Add to word list. to pay someone so that they do not cause you any trouble: They tried to buy the guard at the bank off but he told the police and the gang was arrested.

  8. 动词短语. If you say that a person or organization buys off another person or group, you are criticizing the fact that they are giving them something such as money so that they will not complain or cause trouble . [disapproval] ...policies designed to buy off the working-class vote. [VERB PARTICLE noun]

  9. buy off 的简体中文 翻译. 及物动词. (bribe) 賄賂. See full dictionary entry for buy below. Copyright © by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved. buy. [baɪ ] 词形 past, past participle bought. 及物动词. 1. 2. (Commerce: company) 收購. 3. (figurative: time, freedom) 贏得. It was a risky operation, but might buy more time. 這樣做有風險,但可能會贏得更多的時間。 名词 [count]

  10. 2018年4月10日 · 分享. 引言. 小妹是剛加入SMT相關產業一陣子的新鮮人,對於SMT術語 ( 在一些工程師或主管中聽到的 ) 還是有些問號,但礙於一些原因才上來詢問,也不知道拚的對不對,還請各位解惑. 1. " Debug " 拼法不知道正不正確 ( 念法:滴爸個 ),不知道是甚麼意思. 2. " buyoff ...

  11. 2024年4月20日 · verb. 1. (tr, adverb) to pay (a person or group) to drop a charge, end opposition, relinquish a claim, etc. noun buyoff. 2. a purchase. Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers. buy off in American English. to bribe. See full dictionary entry for buy. Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition.

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