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  1. adjective. uk / ˈkeə.rɪŋ / us / ˈker.ɪŋ /. Add to word list. Add to word list. B2. A caring person is kind and gives emotional support to others. 關愛的,有愛心的,關心他人的. I've always thought of Jo as a very caring person. 我一直認為喬是個很有愛心的人。.

  2. caring 在英語中的意思. caring. adjective. uk/ˈkeə.rɪŋ/us/ˈker.ɪŋ/. Add to word listAdd to word list. B2. A caring person is kind and gives emotional support to others: I've always thought of Jo as a very caring person. 同義詞詞典:同義詞、反義詞、例句.

  3. caring中文的意思、翻譯及用法:n. (尤指對老人、病人等的)看護工作v. 關心;關注;重視;在乎,在意;擔憂;鐘愛,喜愛;想要;照顧,看護;滿足要求;努力去做(care 的現在分詞)adj. 關心他人的;樂於助人的;體貼的;護理的;有同情心的。

  4. Add to word list. Add to word list. B2. A caring person is kind and gives emotional support to others. 关爱的,有爱心的,关心他人的. I've always thought of Jo as a very caring person. 我一直认为乔是个很有爱心的人。. 减少例句. The government is deliberately trying to project a more caring image.

  5. 台灣Caring親子好物,產品專為嬰幼兒設計,讓家中寶貝能夠安全成長。 台灣總代理韓國design skin、韓國mirabell地墊,致力於打造安全的寶寶遊樂場。 產品韓國地墊、溜滑梯沙發、蛋糕沙發、恐龍沙發、糖果屋、遊戲小屋、遊戲圍欄、兒童圍欄

  6. caring中文意思::關心…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋caring的中文翻譯,caring的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。.

  7. 3 种含义: 1. feeling or showing care and compassion 2. of or relating to professional social or medical care 3. the practice or profession of.... 点击查看更多定义。.

  8. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供caring的中文意思,caring的用法讲解,caring的读音,caring的同义词,caring的反义词,caring的例句等英语服务。.

  9. 台灣Caring 產品專為嬰幼兒設計,選用最安全、優質的材料,及選擇最適合嬰幼兒體型、活動的設計,讓家中寶貝能夠安全成長。 並鼓勵寶寶從遊戲中學習、成長,因此選擇了優良、新穎設計的玩具讓寶寶在玩樂中學習,提高他們的想像力和創造力。

  10. 2017年6月26日 · 英語 (美國) 菲律賓語. Sharing is caring means that if you share with that person, you actually care for the person. For example, food. You share food with another person because you don't want that person to get hungry. You care enough to give that person food because you don't want that person to get hungry. 這個回答有 ...

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