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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    KK [kætʃ]

    vt. 及物動詞

    • 1. 接住,抓住 I'll throw the ball and you catch it. 我扔球你接。
    • 2. 逮住,捕獲 The policeman caught the thief. 警察逮住了小偷。

    vi. 不及物動詞

    • 1. 被鉤住,被卡住,被夾住 The kite caught in the electric wires. 風箏鉤在電線上了。
    • 2. 燃燒起來 The match won't catch. 這火柴擦不著。

    n. 名詞

    • 1. 抓住,捕捉;接球[C] The center fielder made a great catch. 中間手接了一記非常漂亮的球。
    • 2. 捕獲物(或量)[C] The fisherman had a good catch. 漁夫捕到許多魚。

    a. 形容詞

    • 1. 吸引人的;使人感興趣的 Advertisements often contain catch phrases. 廣告中常出現妙句。
    • 2. 使人感到為難的,引人上當的 That's really a catch question. 那確實是一道刁鑽的題目。

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  2. 內容. CATCH翻譯:抓住, 抓住,接住, 阻止逃跑, 逮住,捉住, 注意, 發現,撞見,注意到, 旅行, 趕,乘,搭乘(飛機、火車、公共汽車等), 感染, (尤指因感染細菌或病毒)罹患(病),染(疾), 卡住…。. 了解更多。.

  3. 2021年10月21日 · Catch在職場上的用法有許多種,Catch-up,Catch on都代表完全不同的語意,可別再看到Catch就以為只有「抓」這個意思。

  4. B1 [ T ] to find and stop a person or animal that is trying to escape: Great pressure was put on the police to catch the terrorists as soon as possible. [ + -ing verb ] Two armed men were caught try ing to cross the frontier at night. They were happy because they had caught a lot of fish that day.

  5. catch添加到下面的一个词汇表中,或者创建一个新词汇表。

  6. 抓住,捕捉;接球[C] The center fielder made a great catch. 中間手接了一記非常漂亮的球。 2. 捕獲物(或量)[C] The fisherman had a good catch. 漁夫捕到許多魚。 3. 窗鉤,門扣;把手[C] 4. 【口】圈套;隱藏的困難[C] There must be a catch to that last

  7. 2020年6月24日 · catch 的中文意思大家都知道,但是你可能不知道,catch 還有很多其他的用法跟中文意思。 《EnglishClass 101》講師 Alisha 在 Youtube 上面列舉了catch 的中文意思及其它英文用法,一起來看看吧!

  8. A: "catch up on..." I would use this to say something like "I need to catch up on my homework" "catch up with..." I would use this like "I want to catch up with my friend" like run up to her. it could also be used like you want to talk and update each other since "

  9. 請重新整理以更新頁面。. "catch" 意思. She was caught cheating on her exam. 她被抓到考試作弊。. I had a very serious talk with my daughter after I caught her smoking in the park. 在公園抓到我女兒抽煙後,我和她進行了一次非常嚴肅的談話。. He was caught throwing garbage in the street. 他被抓到 ...

  10. 我決不做那種事! ⓑ 發現<某人> (在做…) ; <某人> (在做…時) 突然被發現 [撞見] He was caught in the act . 他當場被捉住 [是現行犯] Mother caught me just as I was leaving the house . 我正要出門時突然被我母親撞見 ⑸ ⓐ <釘子、衣服等> 鉤住,纏住,絆住 A nail caught her dress . 釘子鉤 ...

  11. 2019年9月10日 · catch out/catch on/catch up 中文意思是? 「catch」英文片語大集合! 過猶不及、處境艱難、回到原點..英文怎麼說?14個出自莎士比亞的諺語

  1. 其他人也搜尋了