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  1. 《 麥田捕手 》(英語: The Catcher in the Rye ),中國大陸譯為《 麥田裡的守望者 》,為 美國 作家 J.D.沙林傑 於1951年發表的 長篇小說 。 [3] 這部有爭議的作品原本是面向成年讀者的,但迅速因其青春期焦慮和隔絕的主題而在青少年讀者中流行。 [4] 該書以主人公 荷頓·考菲爾德 (英語:Holden Caulfield) 第一人稱 口吻講述自己被學校開除學籍後在 紐約城 遊蕩將近兩晝夜,企圖逃出虛偽的成人世界、去尋求純潔與真理的經歷與感受。 該書於1951年出版之後,立刻引起巨大的轟動,受到讀者——特別是青年人——的熱烈的歡迎,被翻譯為多國語版。 小說每年大約有250,000本售出、總計為6500萬本。

  2. The Catcher in the Rye is a novel by American author J. D. Salinger that was partially published in serial form in 1945–46 before being novelized in 1951. Originally intended for adults, it is often read by adolescents for its themes of angst and alienation, and as a critique of superficiality in society.

    • J. D. Salinger
    • United States
    • 1951
    • English
  3. The Catcher in the Rye, novel by J.D. Salinger published in 1951. The novel details two days in the life of 16-year-old Holden Caulfield after he has been expelled from prep school. Confused and disillusioned, Holden searches for truth and rails against the “phoniness” of the adult world. He ends up exhausted and emotionally unstable.

    • J. D. Salinger
    • 1951
  4. The Catcher in the Rye explores themes of alienation, the phoniness of adult society, and the desire to preserve the innocence of childhood. Its protagonist, Holden Caulfield, has become an iconic and often controversial figure in literature, sparking discussions about teenage rebellion and the search for authenticity.

  5. The Catcher in the Rye is an all-time classic in coming-of-age literature- an elegy to teenage alienation, capturing the deeply human need for connection and the bewildering sense of loss as we leave childhood behind. J.D. Salinger's (1919–2010) classic novel of teenage angst and rebellion was first published in 1951.

    • (3.5M)
    • Paperback
  6. Intro. Plot. Summary & Analysis. Themes. Quotes. Characters. Symbols. Theme Viz. Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on The Catcher in the Rye makes teaching easy. Ask LitCharts AI: The answer to your questions. Get instant explanations to your questions about anything we cover. Powered by LitCharts content and AI. Learn More.

  7. The Catcher in the Rye is set around the 1950s and is narrated by a young man named Holden Caulfield. Holden is not specific about his location while he’s telling the story, but he makes it clear that he is undergoing treatment in a mental hospital or sanatorium.

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