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    KK [ˋtʃitə]

    n. 名詞

    • 1. 【動】印度豹

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  2. 2024年3月28日 · Cheetah, one of the world’s most-recognizable cats, known especially for its speed. Cheetahs’ sprints have been measured at a maximum of 114 km (71 miles) per hour, and they routinely reach velocities of 80–100 km per hour while pursuing prey. Nearly all cheetahs remaining in the wild live in Africa.

  3. What is the cheetah? The cheetah is the world's fastest land mammal. With acceleration that would leave most automobiles in the dust, a cheetah can go from zero to 60 miles an hour in only...

  4. 2016年8月31日 · 獵豹 Cheetah(Acinonyx jubatus) 分布區:漠南非洲和伊朗北部 大小:15.4-72.6公斤 獵豹是世界上跑得最快的動 物,這種迅捷源於多個因素。其中一個因素是與其他貓科動物相比,獵豹的鼻孔 更寬,鼻腔更大。這兩個特點都能使牠們在奔跑時,每次吸進的

  5. The cheetahs unique body structure: flexible spine, semi-retractable claws, long legs and tail allow it to achieve the unbelievable top speed of 110 km/hr (70 mph). The cheetahs body is narrow and lightweight with long slender limbs. Specialized muscles allow for a greater swing to the limbs increasing acceleration.

  6. 2017年8月13日 · You may already know that cheetahs are the world's fastest land animal. But did you know their tails play a crucial role in hunting? Check out this and other...

  7. A cheetah's spine allows them to stretch out and cover about 30 feet in one stride! Learn more amazing facts about these amazing creatures in this video from National Geographic Kids. Fastest...

  8. Home Animals Mammals Cheetah: Characteristics, Diet, Facts & More [Fact Sheet] Elegance, speed, and agility are all hallmarks of one of nature’s most fascinating predators – the cheetah. As the fastest land animal, cheetahs have captured the human imagination for centuries, symbolizing swiftness and clarity of purpose.

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