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  1. 2021年7月13日 · Quick summary. Choose is the present tense form. Chose is the past tense of choose. Is it choose or chose? Choose means “to pick from several options,” and it is the present tense form of the verb (the present tense form chooses is used after certain third person subjects, such as she or the committee ).

    • When to Use Choose
    • When to Use Chose
    • Tips For Remembering When to Use Chose vs. Choose
    • Chose vs. Choose Examples
    • Chose vs. Choose FAQs

    The definition of choose is “to pick or select something from two or more options or to decide on a course of action.” Use choose in your writingto describe the action of someone selecting something in the present tense. Like any verb, choose must always agree with its subject. Choose is used with the first, second, and plural third-person subjects...

    The definition of chose is “to have selected something or picked from two or more options or made a decision.” Use chose, the simple past tense of choose, to describe when something has been picked or your character has selected a course of action. Melissa chose to major in chemistry before she was in college. Choose is an irregular verb, which mea...

    An easy way to remember when to use choose over chose is that the present tense choose contains a double o just like soon—so if you choose now, it will happen soon. You can also remember that choose and present are longer words than chose and past. Another way to tell the difference is to replace choose or chose with a regular verband see if it sti...

    Here are two examples of how to use choose correctly and two examples that use choose incorrectly. Here are two examples of when to use chose in a sentence and two sentences that use it incorrectly.

    When do you use choose?

    Choose is a simple present tense irregular verb that means “to pick or select something from two or more options or to decide on a course of action.” Use it to describe someone in the process of making a decision.

    When do you use chose?

    Chose is the simple past tense form of choose and means that something has been picked or selected from two or more options or that there was a decision. Use it when referring to a decision made in the past.

    What are some tips for remembering the difference?

    You can replace the word in question with a regular verb, such as pick or select, and see if the sentence still makes sense. You can also remember that if you choose something, it will happen soon.

    • Anthony O'reilly
  2. Choose” Meaning. To choose something is “to select or decide on something or someone from a range of options or possibilities based on your preference or judgment.” You can pick from two, three, or more choices. Can you please choose a restaurant? I’m starving! I always seem to choose incorrectly, so could you please pick a design for me?

  3. verb [ I or T ] uk / tʃuːz / us / tʃuːz / chose | chosen. Add to word list. A1. to decide what you want from two or more things or possibilities. 選擇;挑選,選取;選中. She had to choose between the two men in her life. 面對生命中的兩個男人,她不得不從中作出選擇。 Danny, come here and choose your ice cream. 丹尼,到這裡來挑你喜歡吃的霜淇淋。 He chose a shirt from the many in his wardrobe.

  4. 2021年2月22日 · It is a past tense verb, referring to a choice or decision that has already been made. It is pronounced as (chōz) or (tʃəʊz), rhyming with goes and toes. Example Sentences Using Choose and Chose. Reviewing example sentences featuring each word can help clarify the appropriate usage of the term choose vs. chose. Examples of Choose in a Sentence.

    • Mary Gormandy White
    • Staff Writer
  5. 其他人也問了

  6. CHOSE翻譯:(choose 的過去式)。 了解更多。

  7. noun. uk / tʃɔɪs / us / tʃɔɪs / choice noun (ACT) Add to word list. B1 [ C or U ] an act or the possibility of choosing. 選擇,挑選;抉擇. If the product doesn't work, you are given the choice of a refund or a replacement. 如果產品不能使用,可選擇退款或換貨。 It's a difficult choice to make. 這很難抉擇。 It's your choice/The choice is yours (= only you can decide). 這由你決定。