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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    KK [ˋklʌbɪŋ]

    n. 名詞

    • 1. 去夜總會;參加夜總會活動 Let's go clubbing! 我們去夜總會吧!
    • 2. club的動詞現在分詞、動名詞

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  2. 2018年12月12日 · 又到年尾,又係時候落蘭桂芳Clubbing! 想感受下老蘭嘅氣氛,但又未去過有啲驚? Toby今次就為大家帶嚟蘭桂坊攻略,整合哂所有落老蘭要知道嘅潛規則,手把手帶你進入LKF Clubbing嘅世界!

  3. On this page, you’ll discover the vibrant and varied nightlife scene in Taipei. You’ll find the perfect venue for you and your preferred night out. Whether you want to go all-out clubbing or if you’d like a more laid back dinner and drinks with a view, we’ve got your

  4. Hong Kong is one of the clubbing capitals of Asia – while you’ll find more underground-style, local clubs dotted around the city-state, most of the big names are located on Hong Kong Island, in and around Lan Kwai Fong.

  5. 杵狀指 (英語: Nail clubbing ,也可寫為digital clubbing,或是clubbing),是一種與多種疾病(主要是 心血管 和 呼吸系統 疾病)相關的手指或腳趾 指甲 畸形現象。. [2] [3] 當其與 關節積液 (英語:Joint effusion) 、關節疼痛以及 皮膚 和 骨骼 生長異常同時發生時 ...

  6. 杵狀指clubbing digits)亦稱鼓棰指,表現為手指或足趾末端增生、肥厚、呈杵狀膨大。其特點為末端指(趾)節明顯增寬增厚,指(趾)甲從根部到末端呈拱形隆起,使指(趾)端背面的皮膚與指(趾)甲所構成的基底角等於或大於180 。

  7. Clubbing (also known as club culture, related to raving) is the activity of visiting and gathering socially at nightclubs (discotheques, discos or just clubs) and festivals. That includes socializing, listening to music, dancing , drinking alcohol and using recreational drugs .

  8. Clinically, clubbing is associated with a number of neoplastic, pulmonary, cardiac, gastrointestinal, infectious, endocrine, psychiatric, and multisystem diseases. In narrowing the differential diagnosis, we recommend a detailed history and physical examination accompanied by focused laboratory and imaging studies.

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