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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    KK [ˋkodnemd]

    a. 形容詞

    • 1. (情報人員等)有代號的
    • 2. code-name的動詞過去式、過去分詞

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  2. 其他人也問了

  3. 1. Click on the CREATE ROOM button. 2. Select the preferred game settings and start the game. 3. Connect with your friends using your favorite audio or video chat. 4. Share the room URL with your friends. 5. Enjoy the game! Vlaada & CGE Team. Keep me informed about new features and Codenames news: Subscribe.

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  4. to give something or someone a special name that is used instead of their real name, in order to keep the real name secret. 給……代號. [ + noun ] We've code-named the new project "Entropy". 我們給新項目的代號是「無序」。 They code-named the site Black Swan. 他們將該網站的代號定為「黑天鵝」。 减少例句. Mr Harrold code-named the murder plot "Cleo" after his wife's cat.

  5. › wiki › Code_nameCode name - Wikipedia

    A code name, codename, call sign or cryptonym is a code word or name used, sometimes clandestinely, to refer to another name, word, project, or person. Code names are often used for military purposes, or in espionage.

  6. code-name. verb [ T ] uk / ˈkəʊd.neɪm / us / ˈkoʊd.neɪm /. to give something or someone a special name that is used instead of their real name, in order to keep the real name secret: [ + noun ] We've code-named the new project "Entropy". They code-named the site Black Swan. 更多範例. 「SMART 詞彙」:相關單字和片語. Names ...

  7. to give something or someone a special name that is used instead of their real name, in order to keep the real name secret. 给……代号. [ + noun ] We've code-named the new project "Entropy". 我们给新项目的代号是“无序”。 They code-named the site Black Swan. 他们将该网站的代号定为“黑天鹅”。 减少例句. Mr Harrold code-named the murder plot "Cleo" after his wife's cat.

  8. codenamesgame.comCodenames

    ABOUT CODENAMES. Run your imagination in the wildest word associations! Simple premise and challenging gameplay with hours of fun to remember! That's Codenames – a fast paced party game that's sure to keep the whole group entertained, great for families, friends, and total strangers alike.

  9. Play Codenames online across multiple devices on a shared board. To create a new game or join an existing game, enter a game identifier and click 'GO'. Timer OFF. If enabled a timer will countdown each team's turn. You've selected 400 words.