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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    KK [kəˋlæps]

    vi. 不及物動詞

    • 1. 倒塌 Having been neglected for years, the house collapsed. 這所房子因年久失修而倒塌了。
    • 2. 崩潰,瓦解;(價格)暴跌;(計畫等)突然失敗 Their project collapsed for lack of money. 他們的計畫因缺錢而告失敗。

    vt. 及物動詞

    • 1. 使倒塌;使崩潰 The weight of snow collapsed the roof. 積雪的重壓使屋頂倒塌了。
    • 2. 使癟掉;使萎陷

    n. 名詞

    • 1. 倒塌;崩潰[U] The collapse of the building caused no casualties. 建築倒塌沒有造成傷亡。
    • 2. 突然失敗[U][C]

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  2. (of people and business) to suddenly be unable to continue or work correctly. (人或企業)崩潰,垮掉,失敗. Lots of people lost their jobs when the property market collapsed. 房地產市場崩潰後,許多人丟了工作。 Talks between management and unions have collapsed. 勞資談判徹底破裂。 Share prices collapsed (= became lower suddenly) after news of poor trading.

  3. COLLAPSE翻译:倒下, (由于压力、无力或缺乏支持而)倒塌,坍塌;崩溃,垮掉, (因疾病或虚弱而)倒下,昏倒, (使)折叠(尤指家具), 失败, (人或企业)崩溃,垮掉,失败, 失败…。. 了解更多。.

  4. collapse中文的意思翻譯及用法n. 崩潰;(突然)倒塌;病倒;(貨幣)暴跌v. (突然)倒塌;(尤指因病重而)倒下,昏倒;(尤指工作勞累后)坐下;崩潰;(貨幣)貶值;折疊;(肺或血管)萎陷;套縮。

  5. 1. 倒塌 Having been neglected for years, the house collapsed. 這所房子因年久失修而倒塌了。 2. 崩潰,瓦解;(價格)暴跌;(計畫等)突然失敗 Their project collapsed for lack of money. 他們的計畫因缺錢而告失敗。 3. (健康等)垮掉;衰退;累倒 His health...

  6. collapse [ kəˈlæps ] I vi [ building, table] 倒坍 dǎotān. [ system, company] 瓦解 wǎjiě. ( from hunger, weakness etc) [ person] 倒下 dǎoxià. II n [s/u] [ of building, table] 倒坍 dǎotān. [ of system, company] 瓦解 wǎjiě. ( from hunger, weakness etc) 垮掉 kuǎdiào. 在这些条目还发现'collapse': 在英文解释里:

  7. collapse 的简体中文 翻译. [kəˈlæps ] 非及物动词. 1. (building, table) 倒坍 [dǎotān] 2. (system, company) 瓦解 [wǎjiě] 3. (from hunger, weakness etc: person) 倒下 [dǎoxià] 名词 [sing or uncount] 1. (of building, table) 倒坍 [dǎotān] 2. (of system, company) 瓦解 [wǎjiě] 3. (from hunger, weakness etc) 垮掉 [kuǎdiào] Copyright © by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved.