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  1. come up with the goods. informal (also deliver the goods) to produce what is wanted. 履行諾言;達到要求;不負所望. What they promise sounds impressive enough - let's see if they come up with the goods. 他們的承諾聽起來很鄭重——我們來看看他們是否會履行。.

  2. If you deliver the goods, you do what people hope you will do: Do you really think the England team can deliver the goods? (Definition of deliver/come up with the goods from the Cambridge Learner's Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

  3. come up with the goods. or to deliver the goods. 短语 [VERB inflects] If you deliver the goods or come up with the goods, you do what is expected or required of you. [informal] As long as I deliver the goods, my boss is very happy. See full dictionary entry for goods. Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s Dictionary.

  4. come up with the goods翻译:履行諾言;達到要求;不負所望。 了解更多。

  5. 1. (Commerce) 商品. 2. (possessions) 動產. to come up with or deliver the goods (figurative) 達到要求. Copyright © by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved. 查看相关内容. 按字母顺序浏览. to come up with deliver the goods. to come under attack. to come under scrutiny. to come undone. to come up with deliver the goods. to come/appear from out of nowhere.

  6. 2024年4月17日 · [informal] As long as I deliver the goods, my boss is very happy. See full dictionary entry for goods. Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers. Browse alphabetically. come up with the goods. come up to. come up trumps. come up with the goods. come upon. come what may. come with the first four ships.

  7. 2022年12月8日 · 1. Deliver the goods. (X)親自送貨. (O)說到做到、履行諾言、達到要求. Deliver 大家最熟悉的意思是「遞送」,它其實也有「承諾、兌現」的意思。 例如: • I am certain that he will deliver on his promise. 我確信他會履行諾言。 Deliver the goods,字面意思是「送貨」。 但這是一個慣用語,指「說到做到、完成承諾的任務」。 是職場中非常管用的一個片語。 例如,團隊訂定一個目標數字,達成了這個原先承諾的目標,就是 deliver the goods,說了就做到,比 achieve goal 還多了一層「承諾」的含意。