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  1. 商業發票(100)更新版. Commercial Invoice. (日) 產品原寄國:Country of origin of goods 內裝物品 List of Contents. 數 量單 價總 額幣 值Quantity Unit Price Total Value Currency. 寄件人簽章. Signature of Sender . 寄國外快捷郵件或包裹內裝物品者均需填附本項商業發票一式兩份,但寄件人已自備商業發票者除外。 以上各欄請務必詳實填寫,如有不實或不清楚,致遭退件或沒收,應自行負責。 中華郵政 Chunghwa Post Co., Ltd. Taipei, Taiwan ROC.

  2. 表格下載Download 表格下載Download 個案委任書 長期委任書 商業發票(Commercial Invoice) 裝箱明細(Packing List) 嘜頭樣式 進口電放切結書 修改提單切結書 銀行擔保提貨書 公司擔保提貨書 進口貨物託運單 1 2 > 台北公司:105405 台北市松山區南京東路三段 ...

  3. 填寫商業發票的三個簡單步驟: 步驟 1. 準備商業發票中須包含的四大類資訊:寄件人、收件人、進口商以及商品。 步驟 2. 在您自己的商業發票範本或 FedEx Ship Manager TM at 範本中輸入資訊。 步驟 3. 列印四份副本,或將電子檔上傳到 FedEx Ship Manager TM at 教學影片. 查看如何填寫商業發票。 小提示. 您可以在 FedEx Global Trade Manager 中搜尋商業發票表格。 商品的完整說明對於清關而言十分重要。 建議您一併填寫商品成分與用途。 例如,100% 絲綢針織女衫。 HS 代碼有助於節省清關時間。

    • Commercial Invoice
    • Importance of Commercial Invoice
    • Some Examples of Commercial Invoices
    • Commercial Invoice vs. Packing List
    • Frequently Asked Questions

    An official export document called a commercial invoice is created by a shipper or exporter and includes specific information about a shipment, including the quantity of goods, price(s), value, description of the shipment, and terms and conditions of sale. It serves as proof of sale and a basis for determining if a shipment meets a country’s custom...

    A commercial invoice serves different purposes during shipping. Any exporter or importer would need to have this invoice because shipments with it are simpler to process. Customs officials can consult the document to obtain pertinent information about the shipment, such as the type of goods being exported and the shipment’s value. It ensures that g...

    The following are examples of commercial invoices on which exporters and importers can conduct international transactions: 1. Canadian Commercial Invoice: A type of invoice used for shipments entering Canada from other countries. 2. FedEx Commercial Invoice: Aninvoice for the importer when an exporter wants to ship internationally via FedEx. 3. DHL...

    While both documents typically have similar information and are issued by the exporter, a commercial invoice is meant to serve as proof of the shipping transaction and taxes paid and is meant for customs clearance purposes. It also communicates information about the transaction, including payment details, instructions, and transaction terms. A pack...

    A commercial invoiceis typically required by sellers who want to sell their goods to customers in other countries. It outlines details about the parties involved, the goods traded, and shipping information. Using a template for a commercial invoice can offer several benefits. They are typically designed to comply with relevant customs and trade reg...

  4. › doc › custom_supportINVOICE 填寫範例

    COMMERCIAL INVOICE (記述貨物大品名及數量) (收件人/公司抬頭) INVOICE 填寫範例 Excel檔請至常用下載 Quantity 10sets 10sets Total Value: USD 350.00 總計金額) No. (流水編號,與Packing一致) (數量) 貨物記述: 請詳填貨物的大品名、小品名、規格及 ...

  5. 申報、寄件人及日期 需要許可證或許可證豁免的商品的發票可能需要附上申報聲 明。 如果適用,請提供您的出口許可證號碼和類型,以及 ECCN 號碼(如果需要),或者如果不需要許可證,則提供 豁免資訊。 1 1.寄件人 在此輸入您的稱謂與簽名。 2. 日期 /

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