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  1. consideration noun (CAREFUL THINKING) Add to word list. Add to word list. B2 [ U ] the act of thinking about something carefully: After some consideration, we've decided to sell the house. The whole matter needs (to be given) careful consideration. 更多範例.

  2. consideration (可數 和 不可數, 複數 considerations) 考慮,思考;體諒

  3. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供considerations的中文意思,considerations的用法讲解,considerations的读音,considerations的同义词,considerations的反义词,considerations的例句等英语服务。

  4. 考慮[U][(+for/to)] That matter is under consideration. 那件事正在考慮之中。 Before writing your answers please give careful consideration to the questions. 請在回答之前仔細

  5. consideration. 🔈. n. 考慮, 動機, 原因, 體貼. 【單字音標】. 國際音標: [ kənˌsɪdəˈɹeɪʃən ] KK音標: [ kənsɪdə'reʃən ] 【字形變化】. 名詞複數:considerations.

  6. in consideration of. In view of; on account of. 考虑到;由于. turned back in consideration of the worsening weather. 考虑到正在恶化的天气而返回. In return for. 对…的回报. an honorarium given in consideration of her contributions to the project.

  7. detailed consideration用於句子的示例,如何使用。19 例句: This is followed by a detailed consideration of the validity of this case… This observation calls for a comprehensive explanation and invites a detailed consideration of linguistic and extralinguistic environments that might trigger the speakers' linguistic behavior.