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  1. 2009年11月18日 · 正日製Crave Honda Fit空力套件,2009年全台首度亮相! Fit上市近一年,台灣至今還沒出現真正令人舉起大姆指叫好的實車。 1.5L小排氣量的NA改法不具C/P值,擴缸、拉衝程不如落入R18A、R20A甚至雙凸K20A系列;最具C/P值的自排輕增壓渦輪,受限於諸多原因只能小漲40~50hp,而高增壓加大渦輪改法,又因L15A的壓縮比高、連桿太細,必須拆引擎更換降壓縮比的凹頂活塞和粗壯的H鍛面連桿,且爆漲100hp/10kgm以上後,自排變速箱勢必因無法負荷而需移植手排變速箱,軟硬體或電路相容性都工程浩大,因此台灣雖有技師赴大陸為原廠即為手排的一代Fit施作這種改裝工程,但台灣區國產化的二代自排Fit卻遲遲未見實裝車出現。

    • Exercise When You Don’T Feel Like it.
    • Exercise at The Same Time Every Day
    • Have A Pre-Workout Ritual
    • Do Fitness You Enjoy
    • Have A Post-Workout Ritual

    I didn’t say any of these tips would be easy! So I’m starting with the hardest but most effective way to train your body to crave exercise. And that is to work out even when you don’t feel like it. Every single time you exercise when you would rather be doing something else you are training your body to operate in its best interest. Doing a workout...

    Exercising during random points in the day on random days of the week will make it harder for your body to adopt your new lifestyle. As humans, we like predictability, and a workout routine is no different. When our body is able to predict its schedule it comes to expect certain things. For example, my current workout routine has me exercising duri...

    Creating a pre-workout ritual will help your mind and body get into the right space before a workout. For me personally, I found that I first began to look forward to my pre-workout ritual before I started to truly crave my fitness routine. My pre-workout ritual looks like this: 1. pre-workout drink 2. listen to a few songs that hype me up 3. put o...

    One of the basics to get your body to crave fitness is to find something that you enjoy, even if it’s just a little bit! Having a workout routine that you find enjoyable is key because dreading your workout won’t get you very far. So try some different things! At the time of writing this, we’re in the middle of the Covid quarantine, so that does pl...

    Having something to look forward to after your workout will help your body crave your fitness routine. Just make sure that your post-workout ritual doesn’t involve any unhealthy food. But there are lots of ways to reward yourself post-workout. Here are some of my favorite ideas: 1. Epsom salt and bubble bath 2. Recovery protein shake 3. a warm cup ...

  2. 2017年6月16日 · 【 POC-Crave Asian Fit 】 期待已久的亞洲版已經正式到貨! 與歐洲版型最大差異在鼻墊的位置調整至更下面,角度更適合亞洲人的臉型,喜歡的朋友們歡迎至實體門市試戴體驗! - 台灣經銷店家 .

  3. 2022年7月31日 · Updated: July 29, 2022. By Jamie Benjamin. Did you know you can make a few changes in your routine to begin missing doing sports? Learn how to train your body to crave fitness. The internal process behind getting fit can be divided into three important dimensions: Intention. Motivation. Action.

  4. 1,071 Followers, 33 Following, 103 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Crave Fit (@thecravefit) Crave Fit (@thecravefit) • Instagram photos and videos Page couldn't load • Instagram

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  5. crave的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. to have a very strong feeling of wanting something: 2. to have a very strong feeling of wanting…。了解更多。 They are therefore insubstantial and non-corporeal when compared with the more substantial women they crave or the sweaty workers with whom they come into contact.

  6. 片語. yearn for渴望. die for渴望,切望;為了…而死. long for渴望. aspire after渴望. hunger for渴望. 英漢例句. it is because you still crave formore wealth. 那是因為你還渴望更多的財富。 modern people crave forpoetic existence. 現代人充滿對詩意性生存的渴求。 respect : we crave forrespect and we deserve it too. it's the only thing which we love unconditionally. 尊重:我們渴望得到尊重,我們也應該得到尊重,這是我們損害無條件喜欠的唯一事物。