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  1. 2022年1月24日 · 趨勢科技提醒民眾,防範信用卡遭盜刷八原則: (一)再三確認網購網站上的 URL 是否為官方網址。 (二)固定檢查信用卡刷卡的紀錄是否異常。 (三)確實保管好卡片,背面3碼驗證碼不外流。 (四)不要讓瀏覽器儲存登入帳號、密碼或信用卡等資料. (五)請發卡銀行在刷卡時發送提醒簡訊或email。 *注意:已有惡意程式會攔截刷卡簡訊. (六)別下載到假冒的熱門 app, 免得被植入惡意程式側錄或攔截刷卡簡訊通知。

  2. Credit card fraud can occur when unauthorized users gain access to an individual's credit card information in order to make purchases, other transactions, or open new accounts. A few examples of credit card fraud include account takeover fraud, new account fraud, cloned cards, and cards-not-present schemes.

  3. 2021年8月20日 · 信用卡詐欺比率攀升這3大信用卡防盜刷知識一定要知道. 首頁 / 貸款消息 / 理財快訊 / 信用卡詐欺比率攀升這3大信用卡防盜刷知識一定要知道. 發佈日期 2021.08.20 | 更新日期 2022.09.06 3.0k. 2 021年受新冠疫情影響許多民眾善用零接觸交易使用信用卡線上消費的比例大幅提高但同時也導致 信用卡詐欺案件不斷向上攀升光今年1~5月所通報的信用卡盜刷金額就突破6億元這次【台灣理財通】貼心整理 3大信用卡遭盜刷的補救辦法 ,準備一次分享給大家,趕快一起來看看吧! 遇到信用卡詐欺怎麼辦? 3大緊急補救辦法一次告訴你!

  4. 2021年8月19日 · According to the National Credit Card Center show, the value of credit card fraud from January to May 2021 was over NT$600 million, which was NT$100 million more compared to the same period last year.

  5. 2023年11月14日 · Credit card fraud occurs when an unauthorized person gains access to your information and uses it to make purchases. Here are some ways fraudsters get your information: Lost or stolen credit...

  6. 2023年7月17日 · Credit card fraud occurs when someone uses your stolen credit card or its information to make unauthorized purchases in your name. To help you detect and prevent credit card fraud, we'll explain how it happens, and how you can use identity theft protection

  7. 2021年10月22日 · Losses from online card fraud are expected to reach almost $8 billion by the end of this year, up from about $6 billion in 2019, the report said.

  8. 2023年6月28日 · (1) Lost card: Card lost and found used fraudulently. (2) Stolen card: Card stolen and used fraudulently. (3) Card not received: New/renewed card intercepted during mail and used fraudulently. (4) Fraudulent application card: Card applied and used fraudulently

  9. 2023年8月30日 · Credit card fraud is a financial crime that involves unauthorized use of someone elses credit card information to make purchases or withdrawals. It is a serious issue that...

  10. 2020年5月27日 · Protect Yourself From Credit Card Fraud During the Pandemic. Fraudsters are taking advantage of COVID-19 to scam consumers and use their personal data. Here's what to do. By Consumer Reports....