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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    KK [ˋkruəl]

    a. 形容詞

    • 1. 殘忍的,殘酷的[(+to)] He is cruel to animals. 他對動物很殘忍。
    • 2. 令人痛苦的;刻毒傷人的;慘痛的 The death of their beloved son was a cruel blow. 他們的愛子之死是一痛苦的打擊。

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  2. adj. 形容詞. 1. 殘忍的,殘酷的 [(+to)] He is cruel to animals. 他對動物很殘忍。. 2. 令人痛苦的;刻毒傷人的;慘痛的 The death of their beloved son was a cruel blow. 他們的愛子之死是一痛苦的打擊。. It was a cruel lesson.

  3. 残酷. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供cruel的中文意思,cruel的用法讲解,cruel的读音,cruel的同义词,cruel的反义词,cruel的例句等英语服务。.

  4. As adjectives the difference between cruel and evil is that cruel is not nice; mean; heartless while evil is intending to harm; malevolent. As a verb cruel is to spoil or ruin (one's chance of success). As a noun evil is moral badness; wickedness; malevolence; the

  5. 解析. cruel 一般用词,指行动或态度残忍。. brutal 指极端残忍,强调无情或缺乏同情心,含不择手段意味。. inhuman 着重缺乏同情心、仁爱等人类有良好品质。. savage 指缺乏文明人应有教养,尤指在动怒或冲动时表现出粗蛮横,含蛮意味。. barbarous 专指只有原始或 ...

  6. cru.el [`kruәl; ˋkru:әl, ˋkruәl] 《源自拉丁文“生的,粗暴的”的意思》《形容詞》 (,(英)cruel.ler; cruel.est,(英)cruel.lest) ⑴ <人、行為等> (使人痛苦卻無動于衷之) 殘酷的, 冷酷的,殘忍的,心狠的; 刻毒傷人的 a cruel person 殘酷無情的人 a cruel joke to]

  7. 用於已登出編輯者的頁面 了解更多

  8. 英文解釋. (of persons or their actions) able or disposed to inflict pain or suffering; "a barbarous crime"; "brutal beatings"; "cruel tortures"; "Stalin''s roughshod treatment of the kulaks"; "a savage slap"; "vicious kicks". 同義詞: barbarous, brutal, fell, roughshod, savage, vicious,

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