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      • Cut throat competition is a term that was widely used to describe the reason for consumer protection regulation, labour law, and enforcement of competition law or antitrust, in the late 19th and early 20th century. In economics, cut throat competition is also referred to as ruinous, excessive or unfettered competition.
  1. 2018年3月20日 · 今日片語. 在英式英語中單字cutthroat 切喉嚨通常用來描述激烈殘酷的競爭環境”,或形容在特定的行業中會有人為了取得優勢而不擇手段”。. 我們經常在談論商業的語境中使用這個詞語比如常見的包含形容詞cutthroat的搭配有 ...

  2. Cut throat competition. Cut throat competition is a term that was widely used to describe the reason for consumer protection regulation, labour law, and enforcement of competition law or antitrust, in the late 19th and early 20th century. In economics, cut throat competition is also referred to as ruinous, excessive or unfettered competition.

  3. cutthroat competition用於句子的示例,如何使用。20 例句: This emphasis on unfair trade practices suspended national planning and…

  4. adjective. mainly UK uk / ˈkʌt.θrəʊt / us / ˈkʌt.θroʊt / Add to word list. not involving considering or worrying about any harm caused to others. 激烈的;殘酷無情的;不擇手段的. the cutthroat world of journalism 競爭激烈的新聞界. The advertising world can be a very cutthroat business. 廣告行業的競爭會相當殘酷。 同義詞. fierce. (cutthroat在劍橋英語-中文(繁體)詞典的翻譯 © Cambridge University Press)

  5. 3 天前 · 在英式英语中,单词“cutthroat 切喉咙”通常用来描述“激烈、残酷的竞争环境”,或形容“在特定的行业中,会有人为了取得优势而不择手段”。

  6. Cutthroat competition - Idioms by The Free Dictionary. cutthroat competition. Also found in: Financial . cutthroat competition. Opposition that is especially fierce, relentless, or merciless. These school election breed some cutthroat competition.

  7. adjective. uk / ˈkʌt.θrəʊt / us / ˈkʌt.θroʊt / not involving considering or worrying about any harm caused ... See more at cutthroat. competition. noun. uk / ˌkɒm.pəˈtɪʃ. ə n / us / ˌkɑːm.pəˈtɪʃ. ə n / a situation in which someone is trying to win something or be more successful than ... See more at competition.