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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    KK [dɪˋstrɔɪ]

    vt. 及物動詞

    • 1. 毀壞,破壞 A fire destroyed the house. 一場火毀壞了那座房屋。
    • 2. 殺死,消滅

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  2. destroy的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. to damage something so badly that it cannot be used: 2. to kill an animal because it is ill, in…。 了解更多。 詞典

  3. 解析. break 普通用词,指某物被打破或撕破而受到破坏,指有形或无形的破坏。. destroy 多指彻底地、毁灭性地破坏,含致无用,不能或很难再修复的意味。. ruin 多指外而受到严重破坏或毁灭,侧重破坏的彻底性,也用于引申意义。. wreck 侧重指船只、车辆、房屋 ...

  4. 1. 毀壞,破壞 A fire destroyed the house. 一場火毀壞了那座房屋。. 2. 殺死,消滅. 3. 打破(希望,計畫);使失敗 What he said destroyed our last hope. 他說的話摧毀了我們最後的希望。. destroyed.

  5. To destroy is to reduce something to nothingness or to take away its powers and functions so that restoration is impossible: Fire destroys a building. Disease destroys tissues. To demolish is to destroy something organized or structured: to demolish a machine. To raze is to level down to the ground: to raze a fortress.

  6. To destroy something means to cause so much damage to it that it is completely ruined or does not exist any more. The building was completely destroyed. 美式英语 : destroy / dɪsˈtrɔɪ /

  7. 中文:. 毁坏 - 破坏 - 销毁 - 灭 - 损坏 - 捣毁 - 摧 - 摧毁 - 毁 - 毁灭. 在单词列表中: Opposite verbs, PET Vocabulary List - D, 更多……. 同义词: ruin, demolish, shatter, wreck, devastate, 更多……. 习惯性搭配: destroy the [environment, Earth, world], being destroyed by [us, contamination, industry ...

  8. 必应词典为您提供Destroy的释义,美 [dɪˈstrɔɪ],英 [dɪ'strɔɪ],v. 破坏;摧毁;毁灭;消灭; 网络释义: 毁坏;销毁;毁掉;.

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