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    KK [ˋdɪðɚ]

    n. 名詞

    • 1. 【口】慌亂;緊張
    • 2. 顫抖

    vi. 不及物動詞

    • 1. 【口】慌亂
    • 2. 躊躇;猶豫

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  2. 2018年4月3日 · noun. disapproving uk / ˈdɪð.ə r/ us / ˈdɪð.ɚ /. be in a dither about something. to be very nervous, excited, or confused about something. 對…感到緊張(或激動、困惑等). Gideon is in a bit of a dither about what to wear for the interview. 吉迪恩緊張得有些不知穿甚麽衣服去參加面試才好 ...

  3. 抖動 (英語: dither ),是在 數位訊號處理 領域的中一項用於降低 量化誤差 的技術。. 透過在較低 位元 中加入雜訊,藉此破壞 諧波 的排序,使諧波的影響受到壓制,並減少 量化誤差 在低頻的影響。. [1] 抖動常用於 音 影片 處理,且是 CD 壓制過程的最後一步 ...

  4. dither. IPA [ˈdɪðə (r)] 美式. 英式. vi. 猶豫不決 to dither over or about sth. 在某事上猶豫不決 don't just stand there dither ing! 別站在那裡猶豫不決!.

  5. noun. disapproving uk / ˈdɪð.ə r/ us / ˈdɪð.ɚ /. be in a dither about something. to be very nervous, excited, or confused about something. 对…感到紧张(或激动、困惑等). Gideon is in a bit of a dither about what to wear for the interview. 吉迪恩紧张得有些不知穿什么衣服去参加面试才好。. (dither在 ...

  6. dither中文的意思、翻譯及用法:n. 猶豫不決;緊張,顫抖v. 猶豫不決;對(錄音)進行噪聲處理;抖色。英漢詞典提供【dither】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等 英漢例句 during the performance of dithered ring laser gyros, dither bias should keep stable. a dither controller using self-oscillation and agc technology is designed and tested.

  7. 1.〔方言〕 (因興奮、恐怖等而)發抖,顫抖。. 2.優柔寡斷;猶豫不決,三心二意。. 短語和例子. "in a dither" 中文翻譯 : 在猶豫中. "all of a dither" 中文翻譯 : 渾身顫抖. "diffusion dither" 中文翻譯 : 擴散抖動. "dither arm" 中文翻譯 : 高頻顫動臂; 高頻振動臂. "dither dissolve ...

  8. dither n 1: an excited state of agitation; "he was in a dither"; "there was a terrible flap about the theft" [syn: {dither}, {pother}, {fuss}, {tizzy}, {flap}] v 1: act nervously; be undecided; be uncertain 2: make a fuss; be agitated [syn: {dither}, {flap}, {pother}]

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