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    vi 不及物動詞

    • 1. 入睡 she drifted off (to sleep) 她迷迷糊糊地睡著了
    • 2. 離開
  2. DRIFT OFF中文 (繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典. drift off 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯. phrasal verb with drift verb [ I usually + adv/prep ] uk / drɪft / us / drɪft / Add to word list. C2. to gradually start to sleep. 漸漸入睡. I couldn't help drifting off in the middle of that lecture - it was so boring! 我在聽講座的過程中不知不覺地睡著了——這個講座太乏味了!

  3. drift off 在英語中的意思. phrasal verb with drift verb uk / drɪft / us / drɪft / Add to word list. C2. to gradually start to sleep: I couldn't help drifting off in the middle of that lecture - it was so boring! 「SMART 詞彙」:相關單字和片語. Animal physiology: sleep & sleeping. beauty. bed. bunk. bye-byes. catch/cop/get some z's idiom. comatose. count. crash.

  4. 英 [drift ɔf] 美 [drɪft ɔf] 漸漸離去;漫無目的地移動;迷迷糊糊地睡去. 英語釋義. change from a waking to a sleeping state; "he always falls asleep during lectures" 片語. automatic drift kick off system 自動消除偏流修正角系統. drift off to sleep 逐漸進入夢鄉. drift kick-off 消除偏流修正角. drift-off moment 漂移時刻. drift off track 越軌. drift off the R 偏離跑道. Drift-off Curve 零漂曲線. drift take off 起飛偏移. 英漢例句.

  5. drift off的意思、 解釋及翻譯:to gradually start to sleep: 。. 了解更多。.

  6. If someone "catches your drift," it means that they understand what you're suggesting, even if you don't give them all the details. 如果有人「catch your drift」,意思就是即便你沒有完整說明,對方也理解你暗指的東西。. You can also ward off something or stave off something. 你也可以「ward off (避開)」或是 ...

  7. drift off. — phrasal verb with drift verb [ I usually + adv/prep ] uk / drɪft / us / drɪft /. C2. to gradually start to sleep. 渐渐入睡. I couldn't help drifting off in the middle of that lecture - it was so boring! 我在听讲座的过程中不知不觉地睡着了——这个讲座太乏味了!.

  8. 翻译器工具. 在英语词典中查看 drift off 的释义. 浏览. driest. drift apart. drift net. drift off. drift with the tide idiom. drifter. driftwood. drill. 回到页面顶端. 内容. drift off翻译:漸漸入睡。 了解更多。

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