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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    • 1. 因為, 由於 The accident was due to careless driving. 這意外事件起因於駕駛疏忽。

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  2. due to 在英語中的意思. phrase. Add to word list. B1. because of: A lot of her unhappiness is due to boredom. The bus was delayed due to heavy snow. Regrettably, the service has been dropped due to lack of funding. The series was cancelled due to poor ratings. Processing is inevitably slower due to increased security measures. 也請參見.

  3. due to. B1. because of: A lot of her unhappiness is due to boredom. 她的不開心主要是因爲無聊。 查看更多. due adjective (OWED) C2. owed as a debt or as a right. 欠債的,應支付的;應給的. The rent is due (= should be paid) at the end of the month. 租金應在月底交。 £50 is due to me ( US due me) from the people I worked for last month.

  4. 2023年8月22日 · Due to 用法 Due to 在英文中通常用來表示某事物的原因。 5 大必考 Due to 用法 Due to 用法一:表示原因,說明某個情況的原因 模板: The [事件 / 情況] was delayed / affected / caused [原因] due to [具體原因]. 範例: The flight was delayed due to bad weather

  5. phrase. Add to word list. B1. because of. 由于,因为. A lot of her unhappiness is due to boredom. 她的不开心主要是因为无聊。 The bus was delayed due to heavy snow. 公共汽车因为大雪晚点。 Regrettably, the service has been dropped due to lack of funding. The series was cancelled due to poor ratings. Processing is inevitably slower due to increased security measures. 也请参见.

  6. 2023年7月8日 · due to” 係英文中常用的介系詞之一,用嚟表示 因果關係 。 通常用嚟表示某事物嘅結果或影響嘅原因。 一般嚟講,“due to” 後面接名詞或名詞性短語。 免費試堂. Due to 用法. 以下是一些日常生活的例句: The flight was delayed due to bad weather.(飛機因惡劣天氣而延誤。 Her success is due to hard work and determination.(她的成功歸因於努力工作和堅定的決心。 The store had to close down due to lack of customers.(由於缺少顧客,商店不得不關閉。

  7. 2014年9月17日 · Due tobecause of 均意為「由於,因為」,所以有些人、甚至有些字典,都認為這兩個介系詞片語可以互換,或者對它們被互換使用並不以為意。 然而,其他人,包括筆者在內,則不以為然。 根據既定的規則,它們的用法並不相同,如果互換使用,就不合語法,也就是文法錯誤。 當句子的主動詞為 am, is, are, was, were 等 BE 動詞時,我們要用 due to,此時 due to 可以用 caused by 來替換。 例如: The serious accident was due to his careless driving. (這起嚴重意外事故是由於他駕駛疏忽所造成) (正) - 主動詞為 was。

  8. 2024年1月4日 · because of 前面必須是有一般動詞的完整句子,而 due to 前要有名詞,不能是一般動詞(be 動詞不是一般動詞,be 動詞是 linking verb,中文有時會翻成繫詞),因為 due to 本質上是用來說明、形容名詞的。. (O) He got sick because of a sudden drop of the temperature. (X) He got sick due ...

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