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    ph. 片語

    • 1. 【電腦】出錯訊息(當錯誤發生時,回送給使用者的訊息)

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  2. ERROR MESSAGE翻譯:(電腦螢幕上顯示的)出錯提示。了解更多。

  3. 2023年1月14日 · 1. Keep language clear and concise. The rule that applies to all UX microcopy also applies to error messaging. The longer a message, the less likely your users will read them. In fact, an oft-cited study by the American Press Institute showed that shorter sentences results in greater understanding by users.

  4. 2022年3月23日 · How to write good error messages: The 4 H’s UXmas has a helpful framework for error messages that they’ve dubbed “the 4 H’s.” Error messages need to be: Human; Helpful; Humorous; Humble. 1. Write for humans (be understandable) UXMas says the number

  5. 2024年4月11日 · 11 Error Message Tips to Know 1. Be Clear Write error messages in clear and simple language. The user should be able to understand the problem while reading an error message. If the error message is ambiguous, and the user is not able to find the reason

  6. An error message is the information displayed when an unforeseen problem occurs, usually on a computer or other device. Modern operating systems with graphical user interfaces, often display error messages using dialog boxes.

  7. 2019年2月11日 · ·. 8 min read. ·. Feb 11, 2019. 6. Error messages are seemingly so innocuous but they’re actually incredibly important in ensuring good UX and keeping your end user happy. A good error message informs your customers what went wrong, why it went wrong and what they can do to resolve it.

  8. 2022年3月16日 · 错误代码. 上帝开的玩笑. 当错误发生时,客户看到的报错信息可能是以下的其中一类: 通用且无有用信息的报错,例如: 出错了,稍后再试. 从服务器发送的堆栈跟踪中获取的过于具体的信息,例如: Error 10x29183: line 26: error mapping Object -> Int32. 以上两种对用户来说都没什么用。 对于用户来说,看到通用报错信息只能让他们感到无助和挫败。 他们无法根据这样的报错信息完成指令,进而了解错误如何发生且应该如何解决。 这只会使得用户失去对产品的信任,而你则可能失去客户,或得到一条充满怒火的产品评价。 而过于具体的报错信息,是“泄漏”出来的抽象信息,本不应出现在用户面前。 首先,这类错误显示了服务器端的实现逻辑。 这将会引发安全问题吗?

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