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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    KK [ɪsˋtæblɪʃmənt]

    n. 名詞

    • 1. 建立;設立,創立;確立,證明[U][(+of)] They used their savings for the establishment of the business. 他們把積蓄化在創辦生意上。
    • 2. 建立的機構;公司;會社;學校;機關;企業;家庭;住宅[C] The factory is a well-run establishment. 該工廠是家經營良好的企業。

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  2. the process of starting or creating something, for example, an organization. 建立;創立. Since its establishment in 1945, the United Nations has played a dominant role in the development of international law. 聯合國自1945年成立以來就在制定國際法方面起到了主要作用。. The establishment of new areas of employment is a ...

  3. establishment noun (ORGANIZATION) Add to word list. Add to word list. C1 [ C ] a business or other organization, or the place where an organization operates. 企业;机构;单位. an educational / financial / religious establishment 教育/金融/宗教机构. the establishment [ S, + sing/pl verb ]

  4. ESTABLISHMENT的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. a business or other organization, or the place where an organization operates: 2. the important…。 了解更多。 詞典

  5. 1. 建立;設立,創立;確立,證明 [U] [(+of)] They used their savings for the establishment of the business. 他們把積蓄化在創辦生意上。. 2. 建立的機構;公司;會社;學校;機關;企業;家庭;住宅 [C] The factory is a well-run establishment....

  6. establishment中文的意思、翻譯及用法:n. 確立,制定;公司;設施。英漢詞典提供【establishment】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等

  7. 名詞. 建立, 創立. "establishment" 例句. The establishment of democracy can be traced back to ancient Greece. 民主的建立可追朔至古希臘時候。. The CEO announced the establishment of a new production system. 執行長宣布了新生產系統的建立。. "establishment" 相關課程教材.

  8. ESTABLISH的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. to start a company or organization that will continue for a long time: 2. to start having a…。了解更多。start I always wanted to start my own business. start (something) up It is more attractive to start up a new enterprise than to invest in existing firms. ...

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