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    ph. 片語

    • 1. 遭受;暴露於

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  2. expose someone to something. phrasal verb with expose verb [ T ] uk / ɪkˈspəʊz / us / ɪkˈspoʊz /. Add to word list. Add to word list. B2. to make it likely that someone will experience something harmful or unpleasant. 使…遭受(有害或不快的遭遇);使…暴露於(險境).

  3. 片語動詞. expose someone to something. exposé. noun [ C ] uk / ekˈspəʊ.zeɪ / us / ˌek.spəˈzeɪ / a public report of the facts about a situation, especially one that is shocking or has been kept secret. (尤指對令人震驚或保密之事的)曝光報道. Today's newspaper contains a searing exposé of police corruption. 今天的報紙刊登了一篇尖銳揭發警方腐敗內幕的文章。

  4. 釋義. 同反義. 相關詞. ph. 片語. 1. 顯露; 暴露; 使遭受; 使處於...作用 (或影響)之下; 使曝光 Soldiers are exposed to gunfires. 士兵遭砲火轟擊。 Wise parents never expose their children to the slightest danger. 聰明的父母絕不讓孩子受到一丁點的危險。

  5. 動詞. 使暴露於, 使接觸到. "expose" 例句. Going to university is sure to expose you to new ideas and ways of thinking. 唸大學肯定會讓你接觸到新的想法和思維方式。 My husband and I are musicians, so our kids were exposed to music from an early age. 我丈夫和我是音樂家,所以我們的孩子從小就接觸音樂。 She exposed her daughter to music as a baby. 她讓女兒自嬰兒時期開始接觸音樂。

  6. PyDict. expose to. ph. 顯露; 暴露; 使遭受; 使處於...作用 (或影響)之下; 使曝光 Soldiers are exposed to gunfires. 士兵遭砲火轟擊。 Wise parents never expose their children to the slightest danger. 聰明的父母絕不讓孩子受到一丁點的危險。 Dr.eye...

  7. exposed adjective (NOT PROTECTED) Add to word list. Add to word list. having no protection from bad weather. 無遮蔽的;暴露於風雨中的. The house is in a very exposed position. 這間屋孤零零的,毫無遮蔽。.

  8. exposed to是什么意思_exposed to的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_爱词霸在线词典. 试试 人工翻译 翻译全文. exposed to. 释义. 接触;暴露于. 点击 人工翻译 ,了解更多 人工释义. 实用场景例句. 全部. The area where most refugees are waiting is exposed to the elements. 大多数难民等待救济的地方都不能挡风遮雨。 柯林斯例句. They were exposed to radioactive fallout during nuclear weapons tests. 在核武器试验中他们暴露在放射性尘埃之下。 柯林斯例句.