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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    KK [ˋfɑrmɚ]

    n. 名詞

    • 1. 農夫;農場主;農場經營者[C] He is a rice farmer. 他是位稻農。

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  2. FARMER中文 (繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典. farmer 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯. noun [ C ] uk / ˈfɑː.mə r/ us / ˈfɑːr.mɚ / Add to word list. A2. someone who owns or takes care of a farm. 農場主;養殖場主;農人. a dairy / sheep farmer 乳牛場/牧羊場場主. 减少例句. He is a beef cattle farmer. The farmer has several large flocks of long-haired sheep. The farmer called the vet out to treat a sick cow.

  3. farmer 在英語中的意思. noun [ C ] uk / ˈfɑː.mə r/ us / ˈfɑːr.mɚ / Add to word list Add to word list. A2. someone who owns or takes care of a farm: a dairy / sheep farmer. 减少例句. He is a beef cattle farmer. The farmer has several large flocks of long-haired sheep. The farmer called the vet out to treat a sick cow.

  4. farmer中文 (簡體)翻譯:劍橋詞典. farmer 在英語-中文(簡體)詞典中的翻譯. noun [ C ] uk / ˈfɑː.mə r/ us / ˈfɑːr.mɚ / Add to word list. A2. someone who owns or takes care of a farm. 农场主;养殖场主;农人. a dairy / sheep farmer 乳牛场/羊场场主. 减少例句. He is a beef cattle farmer. The farmer has several large flocks of long-haired sheep. The farmer called the vet out to treat a sick cow.

  5. 糧政跨區即時申辦服務作業平台是一個為農民提供便捷的線上申請服務的網站,可以查詢、登錄、送審、發放等各項糧政相關業務,並與地政、農會等單位資料碰檔,減少農民的申辦負擔,提高糧政的效率與透明度。

  6. 2024年4月23日 · 2024年04月23日. 臺南區農業改良場「2024食農教育暨瓜果嘉年華-瓜瓞綿綿 絲絲入苦」活動. NEW. 2024年04月23日. 本會辦理113年度「農事推廣輔導職能專業訓練」相關資訊. NEW. 2024年04月19日. 國立中興大學辦理「有機農產品經營者輔導媒合計畫」相關資訊. 2024年04月19日.

  7. n. 農夫;農場主;農場經營者 [C] 名詞複數:farmers. 釋義. 同反義. 相關詞. n. 名詞. 1. 農夫農場主農場經營者 [C] He is a rice farmer. 他是位稻農。 更多解釋. farmer. IPA [ˈfɑːmə (r)] 美式. 英式. n. 農場主; 農民. 牛津中文字典. farmer. 農民,農場主. PyDict.

  8. Refresh Farm is the first leisure farm in Taipei and the largest in Neihu. With the Neigou River passing through, the Farm is also surrounded by mountains. It offers a scenic panorama, grows diverse flowers and plants, and has a view of Dajianshan in the distance. Seasonal fruit includes cherry tomatoes, pomelos, pokans, etc.

  9. n. 1.經營農業者,農場主 〔cf. peasant〕,農夫。 2. (租稅等的)包收人。 3.幼兒代養人。 短語和例子. farmerlike adj. 農夫般的. "a poor farmer" 中文翻譯 : 一位可憐的農民. "a silly farmer" 中文翻譯 : 愚蠢的農夫. "a small farmer" 中文翻譯 : 是指擁有一個很小的農場的農場主. "american farmer the" 中文翻譯 : 美國農場主. "arkansas farmer" 中文翻譯 : 阿肯色農場主. "baby farmer" 中文翻譯 : 代人育嬰者。 "big farmer" 中文翻譯 : 大農場主. "boer farmer" 中文翻譯 : 種田人.

  10. 國立臺灣大學生物資源暨農學院. 亮點報導. Highlights. 2023-07-06. 璀璨又閃亮的禮物-臺大實驗林小行星 528489 Ntuef. A bright and sparkling gift- 528489 Ntuef. 2023-03-29. 臺大研發全球獨步無蜂王授粉技術 蜂王費洛蒙取代蜂巢蜂王 昆蟲系楊恩誠研究團隊 解決瓜果農授粉困境. Smart Agriculture Innovation ~Queen Pheromones Replace Queen. 2023-02-03. 亞洲首創「試管嬰兒胚胎師種子培育計畫」 The first "Test-tube Baby Embryologist Training Project" in Asia.

  11. Wikifarmer是一个全球性平台,其使命是通过教授农民相关知识,并向其提供进入公开市场、以公平价格出售产品的机会来增强农民的自主能力。 更多资料. 视频. New breeding technologies and gene-edited crops. Pollinators: Farmer's Partner for Sustainable Production. Climate-Smart Agriculture: A Farmers - Scientists discussion panel. 最近的文章. 桃树的土壤要求、土壤准备和种植. 如何从核果长成一株桃树. 桃子的相关知识、用途、营养价值和对人体的健康益处. 什么是青贮饲料?如何生产青贮饲料.

  12. 想在家種菜卻不知該如何開始嗎? URBAN FARMER城市小農帶你跟著簡單的6個種植步驟,從播種、澆水、疏苗、立支架、追肥到最後收成,透過這篇教學清楚了解秘訣與要點,成功種出自己喜愛、安心食用的蔬菜,體驗自耕自食的成就感與樂趣唷 ! STEP 1. 播種 Seeding 播種方式分為灑播、點播、與條播三種: ╱ 灑播 將種子以0.5-1cm間距均勻地灑於土面上並輕覆薄土(切記覆土厚度勿超過種子兩倍)再以噴霧器充分濕潤土壤。 此方式簡易且收成量大但凌亂,需多次疏苗。 ※適合蔬菜:葉菜萵苣類。 ╱ 點播 於一定間隔以手指或其它器具按出淺淺小洞,每個小洞中丟入2-3粒種子,再以薄土輕覆,一週後若同時都有發芽,可剪去發育不良苗,每穴只留下一株,此方式可減少日後間拔次數。

  13. farmer 農民,農場主

  14. n. 名詞. 農夫. His parents were farmers. 他的父母是農民。 ← farmed. ↑. farmeress →. farewell n. 告別, 再見, 再會 int. 再會!, 別了! a. 告別的. farfel n. (猶太食品)顆粒面. farfetched adj. 牽強的. farina n. 穀粉, 粉末, 澱粉. farinaceous adj. 穀粉製的, 含澱粉的, 粉狀的. farinose adj. 粉末狀的, 含粉的, 生澱粉的, 產粉的. farkleberry n. 臼莓. farl n. (蘇格蘭)燕麥蛋糕. farm n. 農場 vt. 種植 vi. 務農. farmed vbl. farm動詞的過去式、過去分詞.

  15. The Taiwan Leisure Farms Development Association was founded in 1998 as a non-profit organization under the Civil Organizations Act. It aims to develop leisure agriculture and rural tourism in Taiwan and has nearly 200 member farms. It has also been supported by officers from the Council of Agriculture under the Executive Yuan, scholars, and other business owners. Our mission is to bring the ...

  16. It takes about 15 minutes to arrive at the strawberry farms in Baishihu Community, Bishan Rd. Among them, the exquisite and lovely S. Garden is the first one on the route. With six greenhouse strawberry farms, the Farm produces mainly Aroma and Bijin-Hime. Here, the exclusively served strawberry pizza attracts many tourists.

  17. n. 农民; 农场主. 大小写变形: Farmer. 点击 人工翻译 ,了解更多 人工释义. 词态变化. 复数: farmers; 实用场景例句. 全部. 农场主. 农民. The farmer lassoed the cow. 农民用套索捕牛. 《简明英汉词典》 The farmer is shearing his sheep. 那农夫正在给他的羊剪毛. 《简明英汉词典》 The farmer milks the cows twice a day. 那农夫一天挤两次母牛的奶. 《简明英汉词典》 The farmer peddled his fruit from house to house. 那个农民挨家挨户兜售他的水果. 《现代汉英综合大词典》

  18. farmer (n) 音標 : [ˋfɑrmɚ] 解釋 : 農夫. 例句 : To make more money, the farmers work hard in the sun. 翻譯 : 為了賺更多的錢,農夫們在太陽底下認真工作。 變化 : 單數 : farmer [ˋfɑrmɚ] 複數 : farmers ['fɑːməz] 延伸閱讀. 不定冠詞 giant object strike water buffalo make money physical eucation have a good time 關係代名詞當主詞 garden 一般動詞過去簡單式 stand in line. 農夫.

  19. someone who owns or takes care of a farm. 农场主;养殖场主;农人. a dairy / sheep farmer 乳牛场/羊场场主. 减少例句. He is a beef cattle farmer. The farmer has several large flocks of long-haired sheep. The farmer called the vet out to treat a sick cow. The drought has made farmers anxious about the harvest.

  20. 月營收資訊 . 財務報告 . 股東資訊 . 股東會 . 法人說明會 . 重大訊息 . 股利資訊 . 聯絡窗口 . 商品介紹 . 咖啡豆專區 . 私房咖啡 . 精品咖啡 . 量販精品咖啡豆 . 商品專區 . 濾掛咖啡系列 . 精品咖啡 . 經典義式咖啡 . 嚴選在地小農牧場系列 . 茶與其他飲品 . 享瘦低醣新食感 . 輕食 . 軟歐藏心貝果 . 糕點 . 會議型糕點 . La Merenda食光點心 . 商品 . 過敏原資訊 . 營養標示資訊 . 購買商品禮券. 咖啡世界 . 咖啡職人. 咖啡生活.

  21. 台灣農畜產工業股份有限公司(TAIWAN FARM INDUSTRY CO., LTD.),統編:90460840,電話:02-26588511,傳真:02-26588566,公司所在地:臺北市內湖區陽光街321巷60號3樓,代表人姓名:張華欣,董監事:張華欣,張嵐欣,王志興,周磊,張可欣,吳志偉,楊建綱,設立日期:056年

  22. 2024年2月5日 · 02/05/2024. New York/Rome –The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) welcomes the resolution adopted today by the United Nations (UN) General Assembly to declare 2026 as International Year of Woman Farmer. The resolution, which was proposed by the United States of America and adopted by consensus, invites FAO, in ...

  23. 民國47年,由一群熱愛傳統中國醫學的人士,包括覃勤、陳固及陳恭炎先生等人發起,將傳統中國醫學在台灣生根的宏願在台中市興學,秉持「仁、慎、勤、廉」的校訓,是一所教學與研究並重的優質大學,各學院之系所及附設醫院之各個研究中心除了致力於高品質的教學外,並努力提升學術研究 ...

  24. 點擊巴士線路,在地圖上查看詳細的指南、還有實時到站時間以及最新的發車時刻。. 出發于星巴克, Keelung. 28分. 出發于碇內街口, Keelung. 51分. 出發于台北富邦銀行 TFB 內湖資訊大樓, 內湖區. 41分. 出發于國泰人壽_基隆, Keelung. 53分.

  25. 1 天前 · Union cites extreme wet weather and post-Brexit phasing-out of EU subsidies as main reasons for slump Farmers’ confidence has hit its lowest level in at least 14 years, a long-running survey by ...

  26. 2 天前 · Family of eight shares three bedroom crisis accommodation unit. ( Brianna Melville) In short: A mother tells of months of homeless misery for her six children she says were exploited for labour ...

  27. 5 天前 · A farmer is being questioned on suspicion of murder and attempted murder over the shooting of two men during a burglary in Derbyshire, the BBC understands. Derbyshire Police was called to reports ...

  28. 5 天前 · Facebook. The man who died has been named locally as Marcus Smith. A farmer is being questioned on suspicion of murder and attempted murder over the shooting of two men during a burglary in ...

  29. 5 天前 · Emma Hearst has held many titles — James Beard-nominated chef, former restaurateur, farmer, cookbook author, youngest-ever "Icon Chef" competitor, store owner, wife and mother — but to me, she ...

  30. farmer的發音。怎麼說farmer。聽英語音頻發音。了解更多。 英語-中文(簡體) Chinese (Simplified)–English 英語-中文(繁體) Chinese (Traditional)–English 英語-荷蘭文 荷蘭語-英語 英語-法語 法語-英語 英語-德語 德語-英語 英語-印尼語 印尼語-英語 英語-義大利語 義大利語-英語

  31. 1 天前 · Todd says that he wasn’t bothered by Daisy revealing she’d been married before. “I liked the fact that she was very upfront and open about it,” he says. The 33-year-old farmer has suffered ...

  1. 其他人也搜尋了