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  1. flow through to sb/sth. 在英語中的意思. flow through to sb/sth. phrasal verb with flow verb [ I ] uk / fləʊ / us. Add to word list. Add to word list. to affect someone or something: So far price rises in commodities and other materials used in production have not flowed through to consumers.

  2. phrasal verb with flow verb [ I ] uk / fləʊ / us. Add to word list Add to word list. to affect someone or something: So far price rises in commodities and other materials used in production have not flowed through to consumers.

  3. FLOW翻譯:移動, (尤指液體、氣體或電)流動, 繼續, 持續抵達;持續供應(或生産), 垂下, 飄垂;飄拂, 動作, 流動;(向某方向的)移動, 持續的數目, 大量, 不斷的供應;流,流動。. 了解更多。.

  4. "flow through rotor" 中文翻譯 : 最大限度沉降轉頭,極限沉降轉頭. "flow through system" 中文翻譯 : 順戀統. "flow-through accounting" 中文翻譯 : 實交稅收會計; 實繳稅收會計核算. "flow-through architecture" 中文翻譯 : 流通結構. "flow-through bioassay" 中文翻譯 : 連續流動生物測定;連續流動活體檢定. "flow-through cell" 中文翻譯 : 流通小室,流通池. "flow-through centrifugation" 中文翻譯 : 最大限度沉降離心,極限沉降離心.

  5. flow 名 — 流量 名. ·. 流动 名. through 介 — 通过 介. ·. 穿过 介. ·. 凭借 介. through — 透过. ·. 走. ·. 过境 形. ·. 借由. ·. 借着.

  6. The river flows through the city .這條河貫穿這個城。One solution flows through the central lumen of the fibers .一種溶液從纖維的中心腔流過。The knowledge flowed through him without resistance .這清醒的意識暢行無阻地通遍了他的全身。It could flow through human veins from generation to generation . ...

  7. English How to use "flow through" in a sentence. more_vert. Be a hoser and feel the red and white flow through your veins. more_vert. You get a sense of how people and ideas and institutions flow through time. more_vert. If other wholesalers follow the leader, the benefits will flow through to consumers and small business.