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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典

    vi. 不及物動詞

    • 1. (船)浸水而沉沒 The ship foundered in the heavy seas. 這船在茫茫大海中沉沒了。
    • 2. (計畫、事業等)失敗;垮掉,崩潰 Without their assistance the arrangement would have foundered pretty quickly. 沒有他們的幫助這項安排早就落空了。

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  2. FOUNDER翻译:创立者;创建者;创办者, (尤指船)沉没, 失败;破产。了解更多。

  3. 名詞. 創始人, 創立者, 創建者. "founder" 例句. Mark Zuckerberg is one of the founders of Facebook. 馬克祖克柏是臉書的創辦人之一。. He was excited to meet with one of the founders of the organization he worked for. 他很高興見到了他所在組織的創始人之一。. Pete's great-great-grandfather was the founder ...

  4. founder中文意思::弄摔倒…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋founder的中文翻譯,founder的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。a person who founds or establishes some institution; "George Washington is the father of his country" 同義詞:beginner, founding father, father, a

  5. founder中文的意思、翻譯及用法:v. 失敗,破產;(船)沉沒;(馬,騎手)蹣跚,絆倒;(尤指馬等)患蹄葉炎n. 創立者,創辦者,創建者;(動物)新群體建立者;鑄造廠業主(或廠長);澆鑄工,制造金屬鑄件的人;(馬等)蹄葉炎,馬疲病。

  6. founder n 1: inflammation of the laminated tissue that attaches the hoof to the foot of a horse [syn: {laminitis}, {founder}] 2: a person who founds or establishes some institution; "George Washington is the father of his country" [syn: {founder}, {beginner},

  7. 2020年3月30日 · 《速食遊戲》(The Founder)是部非常不錯的創業電影,劇情是關於麥當勞的兄弟創辦人發明出來的高效率漢堡連鎖店,最後反被特許加盟商「雷克拉克」(Raymond Kroc)併購。Michael Keaton演技精彩,劇情也有很多值得創業者體會的啟示。

  8. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供founder的中文意思,founder的用法讲解,founder的读音,founder的同义词,founder的反义词,founder 的例句等英语服务。首页 翻译 背单词 写作校对 词霸下载 用户反馈 专栏平台 登录 founder是什么意思_founder用英语怎么说_founder的 ...

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