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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    KK [ˋfrædʒəl]

    a. 形容詞

    • 1. 易碎的;脆的;易損壞的 They carefully packed the fragile china into cartons. 他們小心地將易碎瓷器裝入紙箱。
    • 2. 脆弱的;虛弱的 The old lady looks very fragile. 那位老婦人看上去十分虛弱。

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  2. 同反義. adj. 形容詞. 1. 易碎的;脆的;易損壞的 They carefully packed the fragile china into cartons. 他們小心地將易碎瓷器裝入紙箱。. 2. 脆弱的;虛弱的 The old lady looks very fragile. 那位老婦人看上去十分虛弱。.

  3. fragile adj 1: easily broken or damaged or destroyed; " a kite too delicate to fly safely "; " fragile porcelain plates "; " fragile old bones "; " a frail craft " [ syn: { delicate }, { fragile }, { frail }] 2: vulnerably delicate; " she has the fragile beauty of youth ".

  4. 此頁面最後編輯於 2021年3月30日 (星期二) 19:23。 本站的全部文字在創用CC/共享創意 姓名標示-相同方式分享 4.0 協議 之條款下 ...

  5. adj 1: easily broken or damaged or destroyed; " a kite too delicate. to fly safely "; " fragile porcelain plates "; " fragile. old bones "; " a frail craft " [ syn: delicate, frail] 2: vulnerably delicate; " she has the fragile beauty of youth ". 3: lacking solidity or strength; " a flimsy table "; " flimsy.

  6. 形容詞. 脆弱的, 易碎的. "fragile" 例句. Be careful with these glasses. They're very fragile. 小心這些玻璃,它們非常易碎。. Fragile items must be carefully packed before shipping. 易碎物品在運送時必須要仔細包裝。. I broke two of the fragile old teacups while I was washing the dishes.

  7. 1. easily broken, shattered, or damaged; delicate; brittle; frail. a fragile ceramic container. a very fragile alliance. 2. vulnerably delicate, as in appearance. She has a fragile beauty. 3. lacking in substance or force; flimsy.

  8. 例句與用法. It became fragile and broke easily when handled . 它變脆了,一拿就碎。. Her gentle, fragile beauty had not entirely vanished . 她那嬌弱的風韻還尚未失盡。. She laid the fragile figure on the table at once . 她立即把弱不禁風的小人放到桌上。. The child 's health is fragile . 這孩子身體 ...

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