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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    KK [fræŋk]

    a. 形容詞

    • 1. 坦白的;直率的;真誠的[(+with)] I'll be frank with you. 坦白跟你說吧。

    vt. 及物動詞

    • 1. 免費郵寄
    • 2. 蓋免費遞寄郵戳於(郵件)

    n. 名詞

    • 1. 免費遞送的章
    • 2. 免費遞送的郵件

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  2. 1. frank enjoyment. 不加掩饰的快乐. 2. frank ulceration. 症状明显的溃疡。. 3. a long and frank discussion. 长时间坦诚的讨论。. 4. a frank confession of guilt. 坦. 5. to be perfectly frank , I don't know.

  3. verb [ T ] uk / fræŋk / us / fræŋk / to print a mark on a stamp so that the stamp cannot be used again, or to print a mark on an envelope to show that the cost of sending it has been paid. 在(邮票)上盖戳;在(信封)上盖戳表示邮资已付. (frank在劍橋英語-中文(簡體)詞典的翻譯 © Cambridge University Press) frank 的翻譯. 中文(繁體) 坦率的,坦誠的, 直言不諱的, 在(郵票)上蓋戳… 查看更多內容. 西班牙語.

  4. verb [ T ] uk / fræŋk / us / fræŋk / to print a mark on a stamp so that the stamp cannot be used again, or to print a mark on an envelope to show that the cost of sending it has been paid. 在(邮票)上盖戳;在(信封)上盖戳表示邮资已付. (frank在剑桥英语-中文(简体)词典的翻译 © Cambridge University Press) A1. frank 的翻译. 中文(繁体) 坦率的,坦誠的, 直言不諱的, 在(郵票)上蓋戳… 查看更多内容. 西班牙语.

  5. 2020年6月17日 · 絕對奢華時髦的 FRANK Taipei,是由知名室內設計師林馬克操刀,深沈色調加入桃紅與紫色光氛,對比渲染出現代摩登氣息,甫開幕即成為時尚男女熱愛的新天堂。 在酒單上,全然主打「Made in FRANK」原創系列,從老生常談的經典調酒 Twist,到新穎的食物入酒概念,至今已經累積上百杯,最特別是圍繞台灣為主軸的24杯創意調酒,喝上一輪就是環島一圈。 地址: 台北市信義區松壽路 12 號 10 樓( ATT 4 FUN 10F ,近台北 101) 營業時間:星期一~星期日 21:00-03:00. 關鍵字 GQBar.

  6. FRANK Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan. 17,874 likes · 14 talking about this · 37,142 were here. Hi, 我是FRANK.

  7. 20 小時前 · Former Labour minister Frank Field dies aged 81. Yet left-wingers never warmed to him, either, suspicious of his belief that poverty and personal conduct were linked. When Field went on to advise ...

  8. 1 天前 · Within a year, he had proved too much of a maverick and fallen out with the New Labour hierarchy. Former Labour minister Frank Field dies aged 81. Yet left-wingers never warmed to him, either ...

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