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      • a period of time when you allow the air to make something dry and fresh: The room was damp and smelly so we opened all the windows and gave it a good airing.
  1. 其他人也問了

  2. AIRING翻譯:使知曉, 公開討論, 弄乾, 吹乾,通風。了解更多。 something that looks exactly the same as another thing but with its left and right sides in opposite positions 關於

    • 繁體

      OCCASION翻譯:(尤指某事發生的)時刻,時候, 特殊場合; ...

  3. uk / ˈeərɪŋ / us. Add to word list Add to word list. an occasion when a particular subject is discussed in an open way or in public: a full /good/ public airing. get/be given an airing His ideas for payment reform will get their first major public airing next month.

  4. an exposure to the air, as for drying. 2. a public discussion or disclosure, as of ideas, proposals, or facts. 3. a walk, drive, exercise period, etc., in the open air, esp. to promote health. 4. the act of broadcasting on radio or television. The new comedy program will have its first airing this Friday night.

  5. give sth an airing的意思. 沪江词库精选give sth an airing是什么意思、英语单词推荐. 晾晒… 公开… 相似短语. give sth an airing 晾晒…;公开… go for an airing 去散步,去兜风. get an airing 去散步,去兜风. take an airing 散步,兜风. take sb for an airing 领某人去散步. airing cupboard n. 晾衣橱. de airing auger 脱气挤泥机. de airing mixer 真空搅拌机. de airing of clay 泥料真空处理. give sth. to the dogs v.

  6. n. 通風;晾干;(開車)兜風. 英語釋義. the act of supplying fresh air and getting rid of foul air. the opening of a subject to widespread discussion and debate. a short excursion (a walk or ride) in the open air; "he took the dogs for an airing " 片語. Airing trainees 學員感言. air flow [流] 氣流; [流] 空氣流量;空氣流向. air conditioning 空調; [建] 空氣調節. public airing 向公眾公開.

  7. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English air‧ing /ˈeərɪŋ $ ˈer-/ noun 1 [ singular] an occasion when an opinion, idea etc is discussed be given/get an airing an issue that wasn’t given an airing during the campaign 2 [ countable] an occasion when a programme is broadcast on television or radio the program’s first airing in 2000 3 [ counta...

  8. The phrase "give an air of" is correct and usable in written English. You can use it to describe a feeling or atmosphere created by a certain thing. For example, "The soft lighting of the room gave an air of calmness and comfort.". exact ( 21 )