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    • 1. 散步; 漫步 Many people like to go for a walk in the park. 許多人喜歡在公園散步。

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  2. /goʊ fər ə wɔːk/ 片語. 散步. "go for a walk" 例句. Let's go for a walk in the park before dinner. 我們晚餐前去公園裡散步。 We went for a walk in the park. 我們在公園走了一段路。 "go for a walk" 相關課程教材. go for a walk → "Will you go for a walk this weekend?" 散步 → ''你將在週末時散步嗎? '' 瀏覽教材. We could go for a walk. 我們可以去散步。 瀏覽教材. go for a walk, have a picnic. 散步、野餐. 瀏覽教材.

  3. 2021年1月13日 · 1.後面跟副詞 (Adverb) go home. 2.當表達去進行某種活動 句型:go doing something. go swimming. go camping. go hiking. 例句:Would you like to go camping next sunday ? Go to 後面通常是地方. go to school. go to Japan. go to church. 例句:We are going to Japan next week. Go for 後面通常是活動. go for a swim. go for a picnic. go for a walk. 例句: Let's go for a sail this afternoon . Go on.

  4. 2014年12月14日 · "Going on a walk" often means to go to a track or trail somewhere, where the route is predetermined. Maybe a bushwalk or an event. Going for a walk is usually with an undetermined track. The same applies to running. "Joey's going on a walk with some friends

    • Kobayashi Bldg 4F, 2-6-14 Ebisu-minami, Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0022, Japan, 1500022, JP
    • CEO of Lang-8, Inc.
  5. 2017年5月21日 · In general "go for a walk" just explains to the listener that you are leaving to walk, "Take a walk" tells the listener that you are going to have a walk, it's the same thing either way. ex. "I am going to take a walk" "I am going to go for a walk"|There is no huge difference just the phrasing of the action gives different attitudes ...

    • Kobayashi Bldg 4F, 2-6-14 Ebisu-minami, Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0022, Japan, 1500022, JP
    • CEO of Lang-8, Inc.
  6. go for a walk or do something to boost your spirits fast, such as buying yourself some flowers. 出去散散步或是做一些可以迅速提升你的精神頭兒的事情,例如給自己買一些花。. go for a walk hike, read great book, listen to your favorite music. 來一次散步或者遠足,讀一本好看的書,聽你喜愛的 ...

  7. to go for a walk. 去散步. See full dictionary entry for walk below. Copyright © by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved. go. [ɡəu ] Word forms: past went, past participle gone, plural goes. intransitive verb. 1. (travel, move) 去. he’s going to New York 他要去紐約. where’s he gone? 他去哪兒了? shall we go by car or train? 我們開車去還是坐火車去?

  8. 例句與用法. Annie 's not in ; she has gone for a walk . 安妮不在家;她出去散步了。. Let 's go for a walk and give our minds a rest . 出去走一下,換換腦筋。. We will go for a walk if you feel like it . 你愿意的話,咱們就去散散步。. We can go for a walk , if you feel so inclined . 你要是愿意的話 ...

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