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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典

    ph. 片語

    • 1. 【英】分期付款購買法

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  2. 2024年4月8日 · The term hire purchase refers to an arrangement for buying expensive goods. In a hire purchase agreement, the buyer makes an initial down payment and pays the remaining balance plus interest...

    • Interest Costs

      Interest Cost: The cumulative sum of the amount of ...

  3. A hire purchase ( HP ), [1] also known as an installment plan, is an arrangement whereby a customer agrees to a contract to acquire an asset by paying an initial installment (e.g., 40% of the total) and repaying the balance of the price of the asset plus interest over a period of time.

  4. Add to word list. a method of paying for something in which the buyer pays part of the cost immediately and then makes small regular payments until the debt is completely paid. 分期付款. (hire purchase在劍橋英語-中文(繁體)詞典的翻譯 © Cambridge University Press) C1.

  5. 2022年10月10日 · 8分鐘講解會計裏的 Hire Purchase租購教你如何計算利息及如何進賬利息算式表格的鏈接: ...

    • 9 分鐘
    • 4.2K
    • 計教 Accountative
  6. 租購 是一種信貸購物的形式,買方可以用分期付款的方式先取得貨品,待付清貨款後便可正式擁有貨品。 有些貨品比較昂貴,例如 家具 、 汽車 等,賣方通常容許買方以租購方式購買。 現在一般租購的運作形式,是由賣方替買方安排財務機構先購買該貨品,然後財務機構與買方簽訂租購合約,在租購合約,會列明買方須在指定期內,定時分期付清貨款。 在供款期內,買方只是租用貨品,待 租約 期滿後,買方有權根據租購合約上訂明的售價選擇是否購買該貨品。 當買方選擇購買並付清貨款後,便得到貨品的擁有權。 租購 合約 內一般列明買方已付的 首期 、每期供款額和應供期數。 有些貨品可以免息分期,有些則須支付 利息 。 如果租購的貨品是作商業用途,其利息支出可獲稅務扣減。

  7. 2024年1月3日 · Hire purchase is a legally binding agreement. A buyer or hirer disburses a percentage of the total cash price as a down payment. The buyer settles the outstanding sum and interest in periodic installments. These transactions can also be executed with the help of a financier.

  8. Hire purchase (HP) or leasing is a type of asset finance that allows firms or individuals to possess and control an asset during an agreed term, while paying rent or instalments covering depreciation of the asset, and interest to cover capital cost. Assets are defined as anything of monetary value that is owned by a firm or an individual.