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  1. hurdles [ plural ] a race in which people or horses jump over hurdles: the 400-metre hurdles 400米跨欄比賽. 查看更多. 减少例句. There are still a few technical hurdles to be surmounted before the product can be put on sale to the public. Getting planning permission for the building was only the first hurdle.

  2. hurdled的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. past simple and past participle of hurdle 2. to run in a race in which there are hurdles to be…。 了解更多。 詞典

  3. HURL翻譯:(通常指憤怒或用力地)拋,扔。了解更多。 He would then hurl the rock on the platform with a loud thump and break into ecstatic singing to show the joy of forgiveness.

  4. 其他人也問了

  5. 過去式:hurdled 過去分詞:hurdled 現在分詞:hurdling 釋義 同反義 相關詞 n. 名詞 1. (賽馬或賽跑用的)欄;跳欄[C] 2. 跨欄賽跑[P][J] 3. 障礙,困難[C] He overcame many hurdles to become a lawyer. 他克服了許多困難成為一名律師 ...

  6. HURDLE的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. a frame or fence for jumping over in a race: 2. a race in which people or horses jump over…。了解更多。problem What's the problem here? difficulty The company is having some financial difficulties at the moment. trouble We've had a lot of trouble with the new computer system. ...

  7. 跨(欄) The horse hurdled the fence with ease. 那匹馬輕而易舉地跨過柵欄。 Dr.eye 譯典通 hurdles hurdle的名詞複數 Dr.eye 譯典通 hurdle n. 欄架 to clear a hurdle 跨過欄架 vi. 參加跨欄比賽 vt. 跨過 牛津中文字典 ...

  8. 词形 plural, 3rd person singular present tense hurdles , present participle hurdling , past tense, past participle hurdled. 1. 可数名词. A hurdle is a problem, difficulty, or part of a process that may prevent you from achieving something. Two-thirds of candidates fall at this first hurdle and are packed off home.