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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    KK [ɪnˋdɛmnɪti]

    n. 名詞

    • 1. (損害、傷害等的)保障,保險;賠償,補償[U]
    • 2. 賠償金,補償金[C] When a country has been defeated in war, it sometimes has to pay an indemnity to the winners. 戰敗國有時必須向戰勝國賠款。

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  2. indemnity的 例句. We are still fighting difficulties associated with higher medical indemnity costs, which have again caused many physicians to leave private practice, particularly in high-risk and specialty practice areas. Nurses taking on extended roles should check that they have professional indemnity cover.

  3. 須知,英文契約裡通常會明定標題 不作為 契約之一部,所以不要太執著於indemnity的字面意義 (其擔保及非 契約責任 之性質),而應從整體內容去理解。. 至於remedy,其意含就比較明確,通常指的是一方違約時,他方得主張之損害賠償方法。例如”Remedy:Buyer, in the ...

  4. INDEMNITY翻译:保障;补偿,赔偿;补偿金,赔款。了解更多。 The strategy of culling reservoir livestock populations may not transfer well to low-income countries because of the costs this can impose on ranchers in the absence of government indemnities.

  5. 1. (損害、傷害等的)保障,保險;賠償,補償 [U] 2. 賠償金,補償金 [C] When a country has been defeated in war, it sometimes has to pay an indemnity to the winners. 戰敗國有時必須向戰勝國賠款。. 3. 免罰,赦免 [U] act of indemnity 免罪法....

  6. indemnity的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. protection against possible damage or loss, especially a promise of payment, or the money paid…。了解更多。

  7. 2021年3月11日 · Indemnity條款的解釋以及如何談判. 2021-03-11. Indemnity條款常見於代工(OEM)合約、貨物買賣合約、承攬合約、專利授權合約中,如果不預先防範,indemnity責任人 (indemnitor)的法律風險極高,需特別注意,重點如下:. (a)indemnity責任範圍,. (b)承擔此責任的成本 ...

  8. indemnity中文的意思、翻譯及用法:n. 補償,賠償;保障;賠償物。 英漢詞典提供【indemnity】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等

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