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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    KK [ɪnˋɛvətəb!]

    a.[Z] 形容詞

    • 1. 不可避免的;必然(發生)的[R] Their defeat was inevitable. 他們被擊敗是不可避免的。
    • 2. 【口】照例必有的;老一套的[B] He greeted us with his inevitable smile. 他照例笑著招呼我們。

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  2. Unfortunately, violence is the inevitable corollary of such a revolutionary change in society. The eclipse of the ruling political party was inevitable. The factory closure is seemingly inevitable. The endless public appearances are an inevitable part of an election . long

  3. C1. certain to happen and unable to be avoided or prevented. 不可避免的;必然发生的. The accident was the inevitable consequence / result / outcome of carelessness. 这一事故是粗心导致的必然结果。. the inevitable. something that is certain to happen and cannot be prevented. 不可避免的情况;逃避不了的事实.

  4. INEVITABLE的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. certain to happen and unable to be avoided or prevented: 2. something that is certain to happen…。 了解更多。 詞典

  5. The finance minister said that a rise in interest rates is inevitable. 財政部長表示,升息是無可避免的。. It seems inevitable that gas prices will continue to rise. 看來,無可避免的,汽油價格將會持續攀升。. There was an inevitable rise in citrus prices after an unexpected frost ruined much of the harvest ...

  6. 1. 不可避免的;必然(發生)的 [R] Their defeat was inevitable. 他們被擊敗是不可避免的。. 2. 【口】照例必有的;老一套的 [B] He greeted us with his inevitable smile. 他照例笑著招呼我們。.

  7. inevitable中文的意思、翻譯及用法:adj. 必然的,不可避免的。 英漢詞典提供【inevitable】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等 英 漢 詞 典

  8. C1. certain to happen and unable to be avoided or prevented. 不可避免的;必然發生的. The accident was the inevitable consequence / result / outcome of carelessness. 這次意外是粗心導致的必然結果。. the inevitable. something that is certain to happen and cannot be prevented. 不可避免的情況;逃避不了的事實.

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