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    KK [ˋno͵haʊ]


    • 1. 技術 They are almost totally dependent on Western know-how. 他們幾乎完全依賴西方技術。
    • 2. 實際知識;技能;本事;竅門 He has decided to visit Japan with a view to enlarging his managerial know-how. 為了增進實際管理知識,他決定訪問日本。

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  2. know-how中文的意思、翻譯及用法:n. 訣竅;實際知識;專門技能。英漢詞典提供【know-how】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等

  3. Meaning of know-how in English. know-how. noun [ U ] informal uk / ˈnəʊ.haʊ / us / ˈnoʊ.haʊ / Add to word list. practical knowledge and ability: technical know-how. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases. Skill, talent and ability. ability. accomplishment. accuracy. acumen. adroitness. endowment. forte. functional skills. functioning. genius.

  4. 英漢. 英英. Dr.eye 譯典通. know-how. KK [ˋno͵haʊ] DJ [ˋnəuhau] 美式. n. [U. 技術;實際知識;技能;本事;竅門. 釋義. 相關詞. n. [U. n. [U. 1. 技術 They are almost totally dependent on Western know-how. 他們幾乎完全依賴西方技術。 2....

  5. know-how的中文意思翻譯:n. 訣竅; 實際知識; 專門技能; 專有技術。 know-how的中文翻譯、know-how的發音、柯林斯釋義、用法、know-how的近義詞、反義詞和雙語例句等。

  6. n. 訣竅,技巧;情報;實際的能力;專門技術. 英語釋義. 1. knowledge of how to do something smoothly and efficiently expertise. 2. knowledge of how to do something well. 3. knowledge of how to get things done. The job takes a certain amount of know-how. 片語. System KnowHow 經營方法. technique 技巧,技術;手法. KNOWHOW LIMITED 公司名稱. tips 秘訣,技巧;小貼士,小竅門. information 信息,資料;知識;情報.

  7. 2011年7月3日 · 看起來 'know-how' 是一種非正式的用法 強調具有實用性的知識 (knowledge)或技術 (technology) 換言之 粗略可以說是 know-how = practical knowledge 或者是 practical technology? 或者更乾脆的說 想更清楚 'know-how' 首先要離清實用性跟理論性 的差別? 而且要先弄清楚 knowledge, skill, ability, technique, technology?

  8. 2020年6月10日 · know-how 和 knowledge 的差別在哪裡? 如果不好說明,請提供一些例句。 McKendre. 2020年6月10日. 最佳解答. 英語 (美國) know-how is more casual and usually about skill in doing something. knowledge is formal and casual, and can be about any topic, not just a skill. “She has the know-how to fix the car.” “She has knowledge about how to fix the car.” 這個回答有幫到你嗎? 嗯... (0) 有幫助 (0) McKendre.

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